
Thursday, December 11, 2014
winter wonder
Wow! There is white stuff everywhere. It is on the trees and the bushes and the ground and the logs and the fences. The white stuff comes up to our pony knees so there is no nice grass to be seen anywhere. At all. But under the white stuff it is gray and wet and squishy -- so really fun to walk in! Yesterday the lady came back to see us and bring our hay on the big orange machine. The orange machine holds the hay up in the air in front of it and it grumbles the whole time it is running around, whether it is carrying hay or not. After the lady gave us our hay, she went to look at our fence which is not really fence. Some of it is a white rope that bites and some of it is a long ribbon like a pony would wear in her mane if she wanted to try to look as pretty as me. The ribbon fence bites too a little bit. But we couldn't see the rope or the ribbon too good because it had a cold tube of clear and white stuff around it that was as big around as a pony's leg! And it was hanging low and sometimes even buried totally in the white stuff on the ground. Us ponies could have walked right over top of that fence. So the lady walked along the fence with her big floppy feet disappearing up over her lady fetlocks and she shook the fence and she scraped it with her front hooves so that the tube came off and then the fence came back up to its normal height. At one place there was a whole big top of a dead tree that smashed down the fence, so the big orange machine had to grumble over to pick up the dead tree and push it back off the fence. The lady walked all over our pasture and she was really wet by the time she drove the orange machine back to where we were eating our hay. Then she petted us a little bit before driving right out the gate and leaving. There was either wet stuff or white stuff falling out of the sky all day yesterday and today. Fortunately all us ponies have fuzzy coats so we don't mind any of it. And we have sheds anyway if we do.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Big adventure
Wahoo! There is white stuff everywhere! And I do mean everywhere because us ponies have gone and checked it out. The white stuff started falling from the sky and then it would not stop. All day long it fell and part of the night. But then yesterday it was not falling down, it was just all over the ground. But when you walked on it, your feet sank in and then it got brown. It is really soft wet white and brown stuff. The lady brought us our hay and put it in the nets way early yesterday. So after we ate the hay, we didn't have much to do. You know, for a while, the lady was dragging big sticks around and piling them up all along the edge of the magic forest. Now there is such a pile of big sticks that ponies can't even get through there. And there are other places where she strung thick black and metal colored rope that I don't think a pony could break even if it ran really fast and ran right into it. Plus, of course, there is the white rope that stings like a mean buzzy bug if you touch it, and that rope is in front of the stick wall and the black ropes. But we noticed yesterday that with all the white stuff on the ground, some of the mean white rope had just up and disappeared. I don't know what happened to it. I am thinking those silly paranoid deer maybe knocked it down. Those deer are completely freaking out recently and acting like everyone is out to get them. Like anyone would hurt a deer! At any rate, we went over to where the rope was gone and discovered we could walk right over where the white rope used to be because everything was white. Then we discovered that there was a part of the stick wall that didn't have any sticks, so it looked like it was just made for ponies to walk through. So we did. But inside the magic forest, there was nothing to eat, which, quite frankly, was a huge disappointment. So we ran through the forest and came out by my dad Bob's pasture, where we all talked to Bob and his mares and that goofy foal. Then we ran everywhere that there was no fence or horses and ponies. It was all white, but some places had nice grass under the white stuff, so we dug around with our hooves and found lots of nice grass. Then we ran up and talked to the horses in the next pasture and Billy and Toby told them that they didn't like them. There was a big field that used to have lots of grass, so we ran all around and make pony tracks all over it. That was where we were when the lady showed up this morning. She was so happy to see us! She told us we were super cute and then she went and got some nice hay and she took it into a paddock and started throwing it on top of the white stuff. We were tired of digging for grass, so we ran over to the gate and ran in to eat the hay, which tasted really good! But then after we ate all the hay we were stuck in there. And the lady put straps on the heads of Harley and Billy and then she held on to ropes that were attached to them and she opened the gate and started walking with them back to our pasture. So everyone except Billy and Harley got to gallop around in the field again, but we mostly stayed up with them because they are our leaders and it would be against the pony rules to run off. We stopped on the way back to dig up a little grass and to talk to my dad Bob through his fence, but then we would have to run fast to catch up. So when we got back to our field, the white stinging rope was back up and there was lots of nice hay in our nets again. It was a really fun adventure! . .
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
pointless endeavors
Us ponies are wet. We don't really mind being wet, because we are warm. We don't have to go in our sheds when it is wet and warm. We can just look for nice grass. Nice grass is getting harder to find now. We have to look in the bushes and by the creek for it. Yesterday we were not wet and the lady came back to see us on an orange machine. She drove around in the trees where there are lots of sticks laying around in the mud. She would back up toward one of the bigger sticks and then she got off and had a clanky bumpy rope that she tied on the stick. After she got back on the orange machine and tried to drive away., the big stick ran after her and chased her. Now we have all these big sticks laying around in our field. They are going to be in the way of the nice grass. Then the lady was driving around in the magical forest where we can't go any more. It is really bumpy and there are lots of little and big sticks over there.
The lady has been making some of the horses move around to new pastures. First Fleur moved in with Ferris and Mak because Artie left. Fleur hated living with the two boys, so then Jewel moved in with them too, so then Fleur thought it was okay. But then Ferris moved to the front pasture with Mari and Rita and Alexis. Ferris liked living with Mak, even tho Mak would bite him, but the lady thought that he would like having his own girls to hang out with.. Alexis thought he was the cutest guy she had ever seen in her whole life, but Rita didn't like him at all. So now he has been living with those girls for a couple of days and they are all getting along better. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. He is tall and super cute and doesn't bite at all. Except grass and hay. I would like to have Ferris live with us. But Billy would not like him and he would definitely bite him. Billy thinks he is the boss of us, but everyone else back here knows that my sister Gypsy is really the boss.
After the lady got done being chased by the big sticks, we went over to see if she had anything good to eat. She told us that she would bring the stupid nets out and hang them up, which she did this morning in the rain. But then she left and has not come back with any hay for the nets. So what is the point of that?.
The lady has been making some of the horses move around to new pastures. First Fleur moved in with Ferris and Mak because Artie left. Fleur hated living with the two boys, so then Jewel moved in with them too, so then Fleur thought it was okay. But then Ferris moved to the front pasture with Mari and Rita and Alexis. Ferris liked living with Mak, even tho Mak would bite him, but the lady thought that he would like having his own girls to hang out with.. Alexis thought he was the cutest guy she had ever seen in her whole life, but Rita didn't like him at all. So now he has been living with those girls for a couple of days and they are all getting along better. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. He is tall and super cute and doesn't bite at all. Except grass and hay. I would like to have Ferris live with us. But Billy would not like him and he would definitely bite him. Billy thinks he is the boss of us, but everyone else back here knows that my sister Gypsy is really the boss.
After the lady got done being chased by the big sticks, we went over to see if she had anything good to eat. She told us that she would bring the stupid nets out and hang them up, which she did this morning in the rain. But then she left and has not come back with any hay for the nets. So what is the point of that?.
Friday, October 24, 2014
The lady who lives up the road said that I should blog about the rain. I don't think she likes the rain. I know she doesn't like the mud. That is where us ponies are different from her. Since the rain came, the grass is greener, so we are pretty happy about that. The grass had been turning brown for a while and we were starting to think that our personal lady better get out here with those stupid hay nets and bring us hay. But then it rained. So this is way better. And mud feels so good when it is squashed around and smeared on our backs. And necks. And faces. Of course, you have to work at it to get a good covering, -- first you have to find a place where there isn't grass growing, then you have to make sure that there are not a bunch of sticks or rocks there and then you can finally lay down and flip around. I think I have a predisposition toward rain because my mom Tudi looks like one of those ponies from Dartmoor, and of course, my dad Bob is of Welsh descent. I hear they get pretty much rain over in those places.
So we are all looking pretty good back here, We have found a LOT of different kinds of adornments for our manes and forelocks. There are big burdocks and cockleburs for large entanglements, and then we add little bitty round burs and some cool black stickers that bristle out all over our heads that set off the mud beautifully. The only problem is that to get the burs, we have to go in the bushes where there are little itchy bugs that crawl on our heads and bite us and turn into fat bugs. Those bugs are mean and make sores on our necks and under our heads. So the lady comes back and scratches us and takes the bugs off, but then we have to go find new ones, so it is a vicious cycle. I guess that is just one of the hazards of looking gorgeous.
So we are all looking pretty good back here, We have found a LOT of different kinds of adornments for our manes and forelocks. There are big burdocks and cockleburs for large entanglements, and then we add little bitty round burs and some cool black stickers that bristle out all over our heads that set off the mud beautifully. The only problem is that to get the burs, we have to go in the bushes where there are little itchy bugs that crawl on our heads and bite us and turn into fat bugs. Those bugs are mean and make sores on our necks and under our heads. So the lady comes back and scratches us and takes the bugs off, but then we have to go find new ones, so it is a vicious cycle. I guess that is just one of the hazards of looking gorgeous.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Carrot shortage
It has been a while since I blogged. Us ponies have been busy this summer. There was a lot of grass to eat. We had to check the fence to make sure that it was still up and we had to eat grass on top of the hill and by the apple tree, over by the rocks and by the creek and on the other side of the bridge and we had to check inside the round log circle and along where the logs are piled up. Like I said, there was a lot of grass to maintain. One time someone came and drove around on the orange machine and made the weeds shorter in parts of our fields, but he didn't stop and talk to us or anything. And of course we have our fancy new sheds that we could stand inside when the bugs were biting our ears. The sheds are a problem because we all have to stand inside the same shed. I don't know why there are two of them. For a while Toby and Harley left with the lady and we didn't see them for a long time. And then, here they come, waltzing back into our field two days ago and acting like they were happy to see us when we knew that they had been up by the barns getting carrots and doing fun stuff. So we are pretty mad at them and we are not even talking to them hardly at all. And Gypsy and Billy bit them. So there. The lady only comes to see us a couple of times a day and then she pets on us and doesn't have carrots. We would like to help that lady ride better if that is what she wants, but we can't help her if she doesn't sit on our backs. So she is out of luck. She only sits on the backs of some of the horses and ponies that she has up by the barn. She was sitting on the one pony and he was trying to help her ride better and she would fall off. I don't think she is catching on to it at all. She is calling him a little bucker. I think that is rude. The lady acted like she was going to take LuLu up to the barn with her and Lulu was being all friendly and getting her head rubbed on and then the lady stopped and said that Lu was skunked, so she couldn't go with her. I am not sure what that means, but apparently it is something that will wash off after a while. Today the lady spent the whole morning with a stick with a square brown thing on the end, mucking around at the end of Krissy's pasture. She went into the high weeds outside the fence so that you couldn't even see her and knocked the weeds down and then made a path for the water to run in. Then she went in the mud that was almost up to her knees and scooped it around and made the water run out of the pasture. It was pretty funny sometimes because she would get stuck and couldn't get her big feet out of the mud. When she got done, she had almost as many of those stickers and little burs all over her hair as us ponies have. But ours looks way better because of the artistic shapes that we make with our forelocks. Hers was really random. But then she pulled them all out anyway, because she knew she could never get them to look as good as we do.
So life is good without bugs and we are thinking that soon the lady is going to bring the big nets down here and hang them up to put hay in. Grass is better but the grass is getting harder to find. If only there were more carrots........
So life is good without bugs and we are thinking that soon the lady is going to bring the big nets down here and hang them up to put hay in. Grass is better but the grass is getting harder to find. If only there were more carrots........
Monday, August 4, 2014
New Sheds

Monday, July 14, 2014
Riding ponies
A couple of days ago, the lady came back to see us and she put the strappy thing around my head and I walked with her the whole way past my dad Bob's pasture and up the hill by where those big horses live. We didn't see the big horses but their entire pasture was white.
The lady said the little daisy-like flowers covering it are called camo-meal and they smell really nice. So we went to the barn she put a real saddle on my back -- not the brown lumpy thing that is so light you can hardly feel it -- but the kind made out of cows. (I don't know if this is a myth, but it is what I heard. It does not look like a cow.) Then she put a thing with straps around my head but no metal part in my mouth and it had straps to where she could hold on after she sat on top of me. We went out to the big arena and I got to walk around out there where there are white sticks on the ground. The lady sat on my back and pulled my head this way and that. Then a different lady showed up and she was really pretty. She was my size and had on fancy boots. But she didn't have any carrots, so it is hard to determine how nice she is. I walked around the arena while the ladies talked and then I got to go back to my pasture with both of the ladies escorting me. I was VERY important. Then the ladies took my mom, Tudi, up to the barn and put the saddle on her too. Billy was in the barn and when my mom Tudi saw him, Wow, she was blown away with how incredibly handsome he was looking. I mean, like she didn't want to leave his side. She just stood by his stall, swooning and saying "Take me now!" The ladies did not appreciate Tudi's adoration of Billy -- they thought she should go outside and pretend to be a riding pony, like she learned to do a long time ago, before she was my mom. Our regular lady got on Tudi's back and they were walking around in the yard, but every time Billy would call out to her, she would stop. She was not shy in showing her affection for Billy, which frankly would be a bit embarrassing depending on where you were. So then the lady said she is going to need more practice at being a riding pony and then she had to stay in the barn for a little while. We both got some carrots, but all in all, it was not an overly carrot-heavy day.
The lady said the little daisy-like flowers covering it are called camo-meal and they smell really nice. So we went to the barn she put a real saddle on my back -- not the brown lumpy thing that is so light you can hardly feel it -- but the kind made out of cows. (I don't know if this is a myth, but it is what I heard. It does not look like a cow.) Then she put a thing with straps around my head but no metal part in my mouth and it had straps to where she could hold on after she sat on top of me. We went out to the big arena and I got to walk around out there where there are white sticks on the ground. The lady sat on my back and pulled my head this way and that. Then a different lady showed up and she was really pretty. She was my size and had on fancy boots. But she didn't have any carrots, so it is hard to determine how nice she is. I walked around the arena while the ladies talked and then I got to go back to my pasture with both of the ladies escorting me. I was VERY important. Then the ladies took my mom, Tudi, up to the barn and put the saddle on her too. Billy was in the barn and when my mom Tudi saw him, Wow, she was blown away with how incredibly handsome he was looking. I mean, like she didn't want to leave his side. She just stood by his stall, swooning and saying "Take me now!" The ladies did not appreciate Tudi's adoration of Billy -- they thought she should go outside and pretend to be a riding pony, like she learned to do a long time ago, before she was my mom. Our regular lady got on Tudi's back and they were walking around in the yard, but every time Billy would call out to her, she would stop. She was not shy in showing her affection for Billy, which frankly would be a bit embarrassing depending on where you were. So then the lady said she is going to need more practice at being a riding pony and then she had to stay in the barn for a little while. We both got some carrots, but all in all, it was not an overly carrot-heavy day.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
hard work
The lady has been showing up back here pretty much and it is almost at the point where it is getting annoying. Sometimes she brings some other lady or another along with her and then those ladies give us carrots too, but not enough. The other ladies brush us or hold the rope that attaches to the straps on our heads and one of the ladies pointed a little black box at us while we trotted around in the log circle. Mostly tho, our personal lady comes back by herself and she gets the brown lumpy thing and puts it on top of some of us and then she sits on top of us. She does it to Gypsy and my mom Tudi and to me and she puts it on top of Sienna, but she doesn't sit on Sienna. Then we walk around and if we hear a click, we get a carrot. We have to wear the metal thing in our mouths so that we are fashionable which I didn't like so much, but the lady puts brown sticky stuff on it and then it tastes pretty good. Today, I was turning my head away because I didn't want to put the metal thing in my mouth and my little sister Elfe came up and she tried to take it in her mouth. Can you imagine! Who does she think she is? She has not even had the lumpy thing on her back! So I laid back my ears at her and I took the metal thing for myself. The part where the lady sits on me is getting more annoying tho. Now she puts her legs against my sides and then the metal thing pulls on my mouth and when I try to yank it back, it doesn't move AT ALL and then I have to turn my head. Then she makes funny noises and squeezes on my sides and says TROT so I have to go faster and she jiggles around up there. So then I want to stop, but she doesn't want me to stop. And she makes me turn my head when I want to go in other directions. It is VERY complicated and I don't get nearly enough carrots and grain for all the work I am doing. Today I started jumping around, but she didn't seem to like that either. I know Gypsy has the same issues. And Gypsy even did this stuff back a long time ago when she was a younger pony. But she doesn't remember, or at least she says she doesn't remember. Harley says it is really easy and he wants to do it instead of us, but the lady just ignores him. She says we have to learn this stuff so that little girls can ride us. I think little girls would just want to pet me and brush me and make me beautiful and give me carrots. I hope this lady knows what she is talking about.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
One trick pony gone
The lady comes back to see us with weird stuff just about every day. She has that lumpy brown thing and stuff she spritzes at us -- on our bellies and chests and ears. She puts the strap thing on our heads and then she makes us go back and forth or sideways. Fortunately, there are lots of carrots involved, so almost everyone wants to get in on the fun. She had to fix the gate that Siena knocked down so that we can go in the circle of logs by ourselves and not be bothered by Harley. He is the one who mostly barges in on everyone else's carrot time. She has been sitting on top of us too, either with the lumpy thing or without, and then she brought out a strap thing with metal parts and she put it in some of the ponies' mouths! Gypsy had to take it in her mouth a couple of times and then when she didn't care any more, the lady sat on her back and Gypsy walked around. Today she put the metal thing in my mouth too. It was really weird and I didn't like it at all. But then the lady told me that if I want to be fashionable, I have to wear it in my mouth. She said the little girls who ride ponies usually want ponies who have metal things in their mouths. I can hardly believe that, but what can I say? I am a slave to fashion and if the metal thing makes me glamorous, I certainly can't let any of those other ponies go around being more entrancing than me. It is hard to eat carrots with it in my mouth tho, so I am not sure that I like that part at all. It is tough to be a diva.
The lady says that she is going to need a new trick pony now that the hunk Fusion left with the lady with the pretty hair. I do not think I am going to get that trick pony job. Just about all of us ponies know how to give kisses and a few other tricks, but Harley and Krissy know the most tricks. They are the pushiest ponies and they work the hardest at doing them. Krissy is really short, so her options are limited as far as riding goes, she would have to give rides to little bitty kids and Krissy isn't really receptive to that idea. So her other jobs could be pulling a pony cart or the trick gig. She has already mastered a fun Lipizzaner levade trick that almost makes her look tall. The lady is probably afraid to teach Harley that trick since he almost took her knee off after he learned the "shake hands" trick and kept offering his hoof every time he saw her. It would be intimidating to see his hooves at eye level every time she turned around.
So we will see what fun and carrots tomorrow brings.
The lady says that she is going to need a new trick pony now that the hunk Fusion left with the lady with the pretty hair. I do not think I am going to get that trick pony job. Just about all of us ponies know how to give kisses and a few other tricks, but Harley and Krissy know the most tricks. They are the pushiest ponies and they work the hardest at doing them. Krissy is really short, so her options are limited as far as riding goes, she would have to give rides to little bitty kids and Krissy isn't really receptive to that idea. So her other jobs could be pulling a pony cart or the trick gig. She has already mastered a fun Lipizzaner levade trick that almost makes her look tall. The lady is probably afraid to teach Harley that trick since he almost took her knee off after he learned the "shake hands" trick and kept offering his hoof every time he saw her. It would be intimidating to see his hooves at eye level every time she turned around.
So we will see what fun and carrots tomorrow brings.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
exciting day
Well, the lady has been coming back to visit us a whole lot more than she did when there was white stuff on the ground, and quite frankly, if it wasn't for the carrots, I think it would be annoying. Fortunately, there are a bunch of us ponies and since she generally only plays with one at a time, some ponies can avoid being messed with altogether. So yesterday she sat on my back and we walked around in the circle of logs. It was fine but I am not sure she knows what she is doing. I was trying to go in one direction or stop and look at stuff on the ground, and she would turn my head or squeeze my side with her legs and then at arbitrary times, for no reason at all, she'd make a funny noise and give me a carrot. I hope I can get her trained soon. She did that stuff with Gypsy and Billy too. So then today, she came back with a long wiggly black stick and took a couple of us ponies in the circle of logs and shook the stick sometimes and made sounds. She took Gypsy in first and then Gypsy didn't want to come out, so I got to go in with Gypsy, but we mostly just ignored Gypsy and I got lots more carrots than Gypsy did. So after we walked and trotted and whoa-d then she got Sienna and she made us get out. Sienna has never done any of that stuff before. She didn't like the circle of logs right from the git-go and kept walking back over to the gate. The lady gave her carrots but Sienna was just bent about the whole "stuck inside the logs" situation. So she went a little way along the circle and then she pivoted and trotted over to the gate and jumped over it. The gate is made of pieces of big logs that are flat on both sides and it is as high as a pony's chin so it was a pretty big leap. She knocked half of the gate over and pulled it down.So then she was really happy and came galloping to us, so we all ran way off into the pasture to celebrate her freedom. What fun! Sienna still has the straps on her head, but the lady looked at the gate and then she left. I hope she comes back to give us more carrots and make more excitement!
Friday, May 23, 2014
Grass at last
FINALLY we are starting to get some nice green grass growing. We have been waiting forever for it. The lady still brings us hay and we eat some of it, but there is nice grass growing in the fields too. We are hoping no more of that white stuff falls from the sky and covers over the nice grass. Some of the ponies still have their white fuzzy winter coats, so they are ready if the white stuff comes back. Most of my fuzzy hair fell out. The lady comes back and scratches our backs with a shiny metal thing and that makes our hair fall out. She brought another lady with her too and the other lady had carrots in her pockets, so we liked her a lot. She held on to a rope that was attached to the straps that the lady puts on our heads and then she gave us carrots while our regular lady cut pieces off our feet.
Today, our regular lady came back with hard white square things that taste good and put them on the ground. We had those before, but they went away, so we were excited to get new ones that we bit and licked. Then the lady put the big lumpy thing on some of our backs. She had the thing on my back and took me into the log circle pen and she sat on my back. I got lots of carrots and I hardly had to do anything at all. Then she sat on Haylie and gave her carrots, but she didn't have the brown lumpy thing or any straps on her. Then the sky got really dark and it sounded like a whole herd of ponies was running at us from the sky. So the lady left and then we got wet. But it was fun for a while and we still have the white square things, so it was a very exciting day. And we have GRASS!
Today, our regular lady came back with hard white square things that taste good and put them on the ground. We had those before, but they went away, so we were excited to get new ones that we bit and licked. Then the lady put the big lumpy thing on some of our backs. She had the thing on my back and took me into the log circle pen and she sat on my back. I got lots of carrots and I hardly had to do anything at all. Then she sat on Haylie and gave her carrots, but she didn't have the brown lumpy thing or any straps on her. Then the sky got really dark and it sounded like a whole herd of ponies was running at us from the sky. So the lady left and then we got wet. But it was fun for a while and we still have the white square things, so it was a very exciting day. And we have GRASS!
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Yearling Weaning
We are still hanging out here in fetlock deep wet ground and water, waiting for the grass to grow. It is dark and windy. The lady came back to my dad Bob's pasture and took him up to the barn. Then she came back and took that big gray mare Mixta and Cracker Jack (CJ) up to the barn too. Taca and her baby from last year, Peaches' Brother, (PB) were not happy that the others left them, so they were happy to go with the lady when she took them up to the barn as well. CJ and PB were very excited to go on a big excursion and walk up the hill by those big horses. They had their tails all up and were prancing and full of themselves. In the barn, they went in stalls that had hay inside, but when Taca and PB got to their stall, they went in and the lady brought Taca right back out and took her back to the pasture. So PB was left in the stall with CJ and his mom next door and Bob across the aisle. But then she took Mixta and then Bob back out to the pasture too. So now CJ and PB are stuck in the stalls with the hay. They are kind of upset about it, but you know, my dad Bob was getting annoyed with those boys back in his pasture anyway. He would chase them and bite them and they hardly even did anything except the typical rambunctious boy pony stuff. But Bob has his hooves full, with us ponies in the field behind him to keep an eye on and then there are some new stupid geese who have decided to move into his pasture because of the new pond that is there. The new geese were chased out of the big pond by the old nesting geese, so they have come barging into Bob's field. Of course, there won't be any pond in there if this rain ever stops. But until then, Bob has to keep chasing the flapping geese around. At any rate, the two yearlings are yelling a little bit and so it is a little noisy because other horses and ponies have to answer them. Taca isn't yelling about her yearling being gone, Taca is pretty philosophical about it, and just figures it is time to move on. Taca is pretty chubby, so she is probably going to have another baby and would just as soon not have last year's kid hanging around. (If Taca has a filly, I think the lady is going to have to name her Peaches' Brother's Sister or PBS.) Mixta isn't going to have a baby tho, so she is sad that her baby is gone. Now the yearlings are going to learn manners and wear halters on their heads and be grown up ponies.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Where is the grass?
Us ponies would like to know -- WHERE IS THE NICE GRASS????? The ground is soggy and dark, not cold and hard and white any more. Wet stuff falls out of the sky. We still have on our warm fuzzy coats because it is not warm and the sun is not bright. Every day we go out in the pastures and look for nice grass, but it is hardly there. When we look out across the fields, they look green, but up close, the grass is like a pony eyelash high. We are very frustrated ponies. The lady brings us hay in the green truck thing.but even tho we eat it, we would rather have green grass. When are we going to get nice grass????
Sunday, March 30, 2014
The Melt
I have not been blogging much because there has been insufficient excitement here in our pony field. I guess I could tell you about the little quarrels between my sisters or who could bite off bark highest on a tree, but really, I am not that petty. So today, we were all standing by the nets, waiting for the lady to show up with our hay, just like we do every morning. Actually, we only started using the nets again yesterday because the nets had white stuff that piled up at the bottom of them and then it got hard and the nets got stuck in it. So we were getting our hay thrown around and we just ate it off the white ground. That was okay with us. Hay on the ground is better than hay in nets because we can eat it faster, but hay in nets is okay too because it lasts longer. So today, it was really windy and lots of wet stuff was falling on us. The lady came back in the little green truck thing and after she gave hay to my dad Bob and his mares, she was supposed to drive across the creek and come back to us. But the creek was way wide and usually it goes through these big round things that are bigger around than a pony's butt, but today you can't even see the round things. The creek was gurgling and swirling around and there was no ground on the sides of it. Instead, the lady drove the little green truck thing through all the mushy white stuff that is still on the ground to the big gate in my dad Bob's pasture and drove through it and then she stopped. Then she drove it a little backwards and a little frontwards and did that a whole bunch of times until finally she went backwards out the gate again. Then she drove through just a little bit and turned so she was on gray ground. As all ponies know, gray ground is absolutely the worst kind of ground to walk on. It is hard and makes your feet slide around. But the lady drove on the gray ground out to the middle of Bob's pasture but then she ran out of gray ground. So she got out and took a bale of hay and dragged it across the mushy white stuff to another little gate in the back that is next to our pasture. We knew that section because the fence is really low back there, -- it hardly even goes up to a pony's fetlock, and when the lady came through the gate her whole legs disappeared into the mushy white stuff. Ha! Ha! She was trying to make us laugh. So she dragged the hay into our pasture across the low fence and we galloped over and were so happy. Then she went back to the green truck thing and did it three more times. When she was done, she said it was a cardio-work-out, whatever that is. The hay is a little wet from being dragged through the mushy white stuff, but it was still good. And at least it was something different.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Winter Blues
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Me and my sisters pretending we care about blue snow. |
Friday, January 10, 2014
Snow versus ice
Now there is white stuff falling from the sky again. We had white stuff falling a couple of times before and then there was a lot of white stuff piled up on the ground. Then wet stuff fell and it got really warm so that us ponies could hardly stand it. The wet stuff turned into water all over the ground and on top of the white stuff and the white stuff turned into shiny gray stuff. Everything was turning into something else. The creeks where the water runs that we drink got way high and over flowing and then overnight the water got hard and we couldn't drink it. There was hard shiny gray water just about everywhere we looked. We still had places with white stuff, so we walked on that, because everyone knows the number one horse rule is to never walk on shiny gray stuff We walked on the white stuff to where the creek used to be and dug around with our hooves, but we couldn't find any water that wasn't hard. The lady came out with a big stick that had a hard dark part at the top and she hit on the hard water and made banging noises. Then the hard water fell apart and we could find water to drink again. She went over to that Hunk Fusion's pasture and was walking on the white stuff and then Fphumpf! --half the lady disappeared into the white stuff. Only the top half of the lady was sticking out. The top half of the lady waved its arms and then came out of the white stuff backwards. Then we could see the bottom half of the lady too and it was shiny. So I guess she found water that wasn't hard and she didn't even have to bang around. The white stuff that is falling now is covering over the shiny gray stuff. We are waiting to see if that will be good or bad. Sometimes it makes the ground better for walking, but sometimes it just hides the slippery parts. .
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