
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Yearling Weaning
We are still hanging out here in fetlock deep wet ground and water, waiting for the grass to grow. It is dark and windy. The lady came back to my dad Bob's pasture and took him up to the barn. Then she came back and took that big gray mare Mixta and Cracker Jack (CJ) up to the barn too. Taca and her baby from last year, Peaches' Brother, (PB) were not happy that the others left them, so they were happy to go with the lady when she took them up to the barn as well. CJ and PB were very excited to go on a big excursion and walk up the hill by those big horses. They had their tails all up and were prancing and full of themselves. In the barn, they went in stalls that had hay inside, but when Taca and PB got to their stall, they went in and the lady brought Taca right back out and took her back to the pasture. So PB was left in the stall with CJ and his mom next door and Bob across the aisle. But then she took Mixta and then Bob back out to the pasture too. So now CJ and PB are stuck in the stalls with the hay. They are kind of upset about it, but you know, my dad Bob was getting annoyed with those boys back in his pasture anyway. He would chase them and bite them and they hardly even did anything except the typical rambunctious boy pony stuff. But Bob has his hooves full, with us ponies in the field behind him to keep an eye on and then there are some new stupid geese who have decided to move into his pasture because of the new pond that is there. The new geese were chased out of the big pond by the old nesting geese, so they have come barging into Bob's field. Of course, there won't be any pond in there if this rain ever stops. But until then, Bob has to keep chasing the flapping geese around. At any rate, the two yearlings are yelling a little bit and so it is a little noisy because other horses and ponies have to answer them. Taca isn't yelling about her yearling being gone, Taca is pretty philosophical about it, and just figures it is time to move on. Taca is pretty chubby, so she is probably going to have another baby and would just as soon not have last year's kid hanging around. (If Taca has a filly, I think the lady is going to have to name her Peaches' Brother's Sister or PBS.) Mixta isn't going to have a baby tho, so she is sad that her baby is gone. Now the yearlings are going to learn manners and wear halters on their heads and be grown up ponies.