Me and my sisters pretending we care about blue snow. |
So us ponies are starting to think the lady is getting a bit "touched in the head." Not that she hasn't always been somewhat difficult to figure out, but this latest obsession is pretty weird. The lady is all upset about our pee. That's right, our pony pee. Now, as everyone knows who has a pony in climates where ponies pee in snow, pony pee is generally orange. Sure, it can be lighter orange, even to the point of yellow, or so dark that newbies to pony pee freak out and start running around yelling about ponies peeing blood. Ha! Ha! -- that is a fun pony trick! So when the lady saw a dark blue splash in the snow, she looked worried. She checked out all us ponies as if looking at us was going to tell her who the blue pee-er was. At first, she said she thought maybe the chainsaw man who was making all the buzzing noises when it was warm had spilled some of the blue juice from his little buzzing machine on the ground and it had bubbled up through the snow. But a couple of days later, she saw a fresh new spot that was in deep snow. So then she went up to her barn and got her camera to take a picture of the blue spot in the snow. But by the time she came back to us ponies with the camera, she thought the blue spot had faded. Of course, I posed for some pictures because it is way better to have pictures of gorgeous ponies than pictures of pee spots, and I even acted like I was pointing my nose at the snow so it looked like I was interested in her problem. She took some pics of us ponies and then she went traipsing off in the snow to other parts of our pasture where we usually hang out to look for other blue spots. And then she found a post had been knocked down and there was fence all strung out on the ground. So then she was all distracted and stopped looking for pee spots and went and got tools and drove the little green truck thing back there and messed around with the fence until it was almost time to give us more hay. (You can see why we have training issues with her -- she has such a short attention span...) So anyway, when she brought us our hay, right there by the gate was a whole new blue pee spot. So she took a pic when it was almost dark.