Us ponies are wet. We don't really mind being wet, because we are warm. We don't have to go in our sheds when it is wet and warm. We can just look for nice grass. Nice grass is getting harder to find now. We have to look in the bushes and by the creek for it. Yesterday we were not wet and the lady came back to see us on an orange machine. She drove around in the trees where there are lots of sticks laying around in the mud. She would back up toward one of the bigger sticks and then she got off and had a clanky bumpy rope that she tied on the stick. After she got back on the orange machine and tried to drive away., the big stick ran after her and chased her. Now we have all these big sticks laying around in our field. They are going to be in the way of the nice grass. Then the lady was driving around in the magical forest where we can't go any more. It is really bumpy and there are lots of little and big sticks over there.
The lady has been making some of the horses move around to new pastures. First Fleur moved in with Ferris and Mak because Artie left. Fleur hated living with the two boys, so then Jewel moved in with them too, so then Fleur thought it was okay. But then Ferris moved to the front pasture with Mari and Rita and Alexis. Ferris liked living with Mak, even tho Mak would bite him, but the lady thought that he would like having his own girls to hang out with.. Alexis thought he was the cutest guy she had ever seen in her whole life, but Rita didn't like him at all. So now he has been living with those girls for a couple of days and they are all getting along better. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. He is tall and super cute and doesn't bite at all. Except grass and hay. I would like to have Ferris live with us. But Billy would not like him and he would definitely bite him. Billy thinks he is the boss of us, but everyone else back here knows that my sister Gypsy is really the boss.
After the lady got done being chased by the big sticks, we went over to see if she had anything good to eat. She told us that she would bring the stupid nets out and hang them up, which she did this morning in the rain. But then she left and has not come back with any hay for the nets. So what is the point of that?.