

Friday, May 23, 2014

Grass at last

FINALLY we are starting to get some nice green grass growing.  We have been waiting forever for it. The lady still brings us hay and we eat some of it, but there is nice grass growing in the fields too.  We are hoping no more of that white stuff falls from the sky and covers over the nice grass.  Some of the ponies still have their white fuzzy winter coats, so they are ready if the white stuff comes back.  Most of my fuzzy hair fell out.  The lady comes back and scratches our backs with a shiny metal thing and that makes our hair fall out.  She brought another lady with her too and the other lady had carrots in her pockets, so we liked her a lot.  She held on to a rope that was attached to the straps that the lady puts on our heads and then she gave us carrots while our regular lady cut pieces off our feet.
   Today, our regular lady came back with hard white square things that taste good and put them on the ground.  We had those before, but they went away, so we were excited to get new ones that we bit and licked.  Then the lady put the big lumpy thing on some of our backs.  She had the thing on my back and took me into the log circle pen and she sat on my back.  I got lots of carrots and I hardly had to do anything at all.  Then she sat on Haylie and gave her carrots, but she didn't have the brown lumpy thing or any straps on her. Then the sky got really dark and it sounded like a whole herd of ponies was running at us from the sky.  So the lady left and then we got wet.  But it was fun for a while and we still have the white square things, so it was a very exciting day.  And we have GRASS!