The noisy man with the little buzzy loud machines has been back here hanging out with us and making a racket. Sometimes he brings another man and sometimes he just climbs up and down by himself. He brings a blue truck but no carrots or anything that is good for a pony to eat. He was dragging flat tree parts around by our log circle and when he was done, there was a big box that we could stand inside. LaPerlita went and stood inside it but us other ponies were suspicious and we kept standing in the trees. Now he is doing it all over again but a little further from our log circle. And LaPerlita got sick so the lady took her away. Sometimes ponies go away and then they stay at the barn for a while and then they come back. A couple of days ago, the lady brought some other ladies and some girls to visit us. It was great! They all hugged us alot and petted us and told us how beautiful we are. But there were no carrots. If there had been carrots, me and Gypsy would have had to chase the other ponies away from the girls and the ladies so that we could eat them all. The hugs were nice, but they were not worth chasing anyone around for them. And there were enough hugs to go around anyway.