The lady who lives up the road said that I should blog about the rain. I don't think she likes the rain. I know she doesn't like the mud. That is where us ponies are different from her. Since the rain came, the grass is greener, so we are pretty happy about that. The grass had been turning brown for a while and we were starting to think that our personal lady better get out here with those stupid hay nets and bring us hay. But then it rained. So this is way better. And mud feels so good when it is squashed around and smeared on our backs. And necks. And faces. Of course, you have to work at it to get a good covering, -- first you have to find a place where there isn't grass growing, then you have to make sure that there are not a bunch of sticks or rocks there and then you can finally lay down and flip around. I think I have a predisposition toward rain because my mom Tudi looks like one of those ponies from Dartmoor, and of course, my dad Bob is of Welsh descent. I hear they get pretty much rain over in those places.
So we are all looking pretty good back here, We have found a LOT of different kinds of adornments for our manes and forelocks. There are big burdocks and cockleburs for large entanglements, and then we add little bitty round burs and some cool black stickers that bristle out all over our heads that set off the mud beautifully. The only problem is that to get the burs, we have to go in the bushes where there are little itchy bugs that crawl on our heads and bite us and turn into fat bugs. Those bugs are mean and make sores on our necks and under our heads. So the lady comes back and scratches us and takes the bugs off, but then we have to go find new ones, so it is a vicious cycle. I guess that is just one of the hazards of looking gorgeous.