
Sunday, May 25, 2014
exciting day
Well, the lady has been coming back to visit us a whole lot more than she did when there was white stuff on the ground, and quite frankly, if it wasn't for the carrots, I think it would be annoying. Fortunately, there are a bunch of us ponies and since she generally only plays with one at a time, some ponies can avoid being messed with altogether. So yesterday she sat on my back and we walked around in the circle of logs. It was fine but I am not sure she knows what she is doing. I was trying to go in one direction or stop and look at stuff on the ground, and she would turn my head or squeeze my side with her legs and then at arbitrary times, for no reason at all, she'd make a funny noise and give me a carrot. I hope I can get her trained soon. She did that stuff with Gypsy and Billy too. So then today, she came back with a long wiggly black stick and took a couple of us ponies in the circle of logs and shook the stick sometimes and made sounds. She took Gypsy in first and then Gypsy didn't want to come out, so I got to go in with Gypsy, but we mostly just ignored Gypsy and I got lots more carrots than Gypsy did. So after we walked and trotted and whoa-d then she got Sienna and she made us get out. Sienna has never done any of that stuff before. She didn't like the circle of logs right from the git-go and kept walking back over to the gate. The lady gave her carrots but Sienna was just bent about the whole "stuck inside the logs" situation. So she went a little way along the circle and then she pivoted and trotted over to the gate and jumped over it. The gate is made of pieces of big logs that are flat on both sides and it is as high as a pony's chin so it was a pretty big leap. She knocked half of the gate over and pulled it down.So then she was really happy and came galloping to us, so we all ran way off into the pasture to celebrate her freedom. What fun! Sienna still has the straps on her head, but the lady looked at the gate and then she left. I hope she comes back to give us more carrots and make more excitement!