The happy man was back doing even more weird stuff with the new little fences. He has these gigantic metal hoops on the ground and he hoisted one way up in the air and stuck it on top of the little fences. Then he put more of them up there. I asked the other ponies what they thought it was and no one has a clue, except that Krissy. You know, the rest of us were born here on the farm, but Krissy, she's from Vermont. She says that when she was in Vermont, she saw a thing made out of hoops like that and they called it a green house. Well, that is just stupid. Everyone knows that grass is green and this thing doesn't look anything like grass. It is shiny and metal. And what kind of house could it be anyway? We have a bluebird house on a post near our field and bluebirds made a nest in it. This metal thing is way too big to make a nest in. We tried to tell Krissy that she doesn't know what she is talking about, but you know those Vermonters -- really stubborn. At any rate, we are excited to see what happens next.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
green houses
The happy man was back doing even more weird stuff with the new little fences. He has these gigantic metal hoops on the ground and he hoisted one way up in the air and stuck it on top of the little fences. Then he put more of them up there. I asked the other ponies what they thought it was and no one has a clue, except that Krissy. You know, the rest of us were born here on the farm, but Krissy, she's from Vermont. She says that when she was in Vermont, she saw a thing made out of hoops like that and they called it a green house. Well, that is just stupid. Everyone knows that grass is green and this thing doesn't look anything like grass. It is shiny and metal. And what kind of house could it be anyway? We have a bluebird house on a post near our field and bluebirds made a nest in it. This metal thing is way too big to make a nest in. We tried to tell Krissy that she doesn't know what she is talking about, but you know those Vermonters -- really stubborn. At any rate, we are excited to see what happens next.