
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Okay, so today was so boring we could hardly stand it. And you know, it is not like us ponies don't think a lot of stuff is interesting. Like yesterday, after the Fjord went by and we were still all excited about him, then we had a fox run through our pasture. THAT was fun! He stopped, he looked at us and then he trotted and then he stopped again! Wow! We even thought maybe one of us should go out of the shed to follow him, but he ran off before we could decide who was going to have to go out. But today, there was no fox. No Fjord. No nothing. Even the bugs were bored. We were so bored we were watching what the lady was doing. She did not take any of us out to get brushed or put a saddle on us or climb on top of us. She got on the big orange machine and made it back up and then she drilled holes in the ground. I don' t think she liked the holes because she didn't look happy. In the morning, she seemed like she was waiting for something, you know how when you are hungry and you know someone is going to show up with some hay or to open a gate to let you out to eat grass? That was how she looked. She opened the driveway gate and then she stayed in the yard near the gate, cutting branches off trees. And she kept checking the gate, like she thought it was scary or going to have a carrot. After a while, she closed the gate and started to dig the holes. They look like pretty big holes. I don't think there are any groundhogs living in them tho. So that was it. Nothing but holes today. Boring.....