
Monday, July 18, 2011
hunk Fjord
So I spent almost ALL DAY in the shed. It was muggy and buggy all day. First it rained and was muggy, then it was cloudy and muggy and then it was sunny and muggy. Good thing the bugs don't come in the shed too. I don't know why, there is certainly plenty of room for them to get in, you know, like whole horses fit in through the opening in the front, but the gnats don't come in. We ponies don't think about why too much, we are just happy that the bugs are not in there with us. So it was pretty boring, let me tell you, standing around watching the bugs, and then here came the NORSE Horse! He didn't come in the shed, of course, because he was being ridden so he was outside the pasture and he had on a fancy fly mask and smelled like bug spray. He is SO gorgeous, all of us girls, we just started jostling around and wanted to run over to the fence and yell to him, except that there were all those bugs out there. He has this mohawk mane with a black stripe down the middle and it stands straight up like four inches and he is blond all over -- and built -- man, -- he has muscles everywhere. He is one hunk of pony. Last year, when he first got to the farm, he came to live with us in the pasture. He is size-wise a pony -- 14 hands, but we call him the Norse Horse anyway, which makes him all proud. Anyway, he chased and bit the boy ponies and made them stay far away from us girls and we were all gathered around him while he strutted and acted all macho. But then the lady came to get him to ride him and he made nasty faces at her and turned his butt toward her and cocked a hind leg at her. You should have seen her -- she got really mad at him. Then he wouldn't go with her when she tried to lead him away from us, which made her even more mad. So after that he had to move out of our pasture and now he lives with a horse gelding named Artie. He and Artie get along fine and Artie is his boss. But us girls wish he could behave himself and move back in with us. That mane is so you know, just wow.