Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Banner day for ponies!
Well, TODAY was exciting! First there were the stupid geese. The stupid geese were everywhere. They are noisy and poop on our grass. There were about a million of them, but then most of them left, so there were only about 20. That is still too many geese. And we got to go into a new pasture that didn't have any geese in it, which was much fun! The weather was cool, so the ear bugs were not as mean as usually, so we stayed out in the grass all day! From the new pasture, we could see my mom and baby brother and then Haylie, one of Mom's friends, came out and had a new baby running next to her! The lady came out and took pictures of the new baby and of my brother and then she came over to take pictures of us too. I knew she would want to get "glamour shots" of me, so I was posing, but she kept trying to take pics of my big brother Harley. Harley didn't want his picture taken, so he would go into the clumps of ponies and hide. The other ponies knew that I was the one who should have her picture taken, so they helped me out by standing in front of Harley or butting in in the middle of the photo. It was grand! I think she got some good pictures of me!