
Thursday, July 28, 2011
holes and hopping
So yesterday this man showed up and was digging holes where the lady had been digging them. He seemed a lot happier with the hole digging than she was when she started them. He put posts in the holes and stuck other boards to the sides of them. I heard the lady tell him that she needed a place to work with the ponies. Isn't that the silliest thing you have ever heard? First of all ponies don't work. Ponies are here to bring joy to the world. We eat nice grass, chase each other, jump over ditches and creeks and get people to scratch us. Or we scratch each other. But we don't work. And even if we did decide to work, why would we want the lady doing it with us? I guess she could bring us food if we got hungry. She seems to have an inflated sense of self-importance. Anyway, she was riding Artie and he was having fun! She ran him at obstacles in the arena and he had to hop over them so he didn't knock them down. You could see that he thought she was nuts or blind when she started it, but then he was sailing over them just like they were creeks! They both were having fun. In the afternoon, the lady came out to stick a needle in some of us. That hurts! I walked right up to her because I'm not afraid to needles, but she didn't want to stick one in me. She gave me a carrot. She wanted to catch my little sister LuLu, but LuLu wasn't sure what she was up to and kept walking away. She never did get stuck with that needle, so I guess that was pretty smart, especially since Lu is a blonde, with a flaxen mane. Today it is cool and there are hardly any bugs. Now if we could just get those stupid geese to go away too!