Our gate is shocking! The big metal gate into our pasture stings like a bee when you touch it. The lady opened the gate for Billy yesterday and she kept saying bad words and then she even stung Billy when she touched him. She was looking all over the gate and the posts to see where the mean electricity was coming from. I don't think she figured it out. She went over to the barn and made the box there quiet, but I am not sure what that means.
Billy got to go out and jump over stuff in the big arena. When he came back, he told us that there was another lady there making a movie of him. Billy is handsome, but of course, if there are movies to be made, I sho

uld be starring in them. I hope I get to be in the next movie. Maybe she was just practicing on Billy. She had Fusion the Fjord jumping stuff too. He likes to jump stuff, but I saw him try to eat the fancy flowers that were on the one jump.
The big hoop things are still out there. We are hoping the happy man comes back to climb around on them today. I don't know what he is doing, but he is m

ore interesting to watch than those stupid geese.