

Thursday, August 11, 2011

white stuff

So now the lady is putting fences at the ends of the new white hill. I don't know why she is bothering to do that, as there doesn't look to be any grass on that hill at all. The hill is white and when things are white, they are cold and there is no grass. Except when ponies are white, they are not cold. My dad is white and so is little Perl. Actually, we should probably call her chubby Perl, since she is not exactly little. Her real name is La Perlita, so I guess we could call her "dear Perl."
Yesterday, the happy man stopped by and looked at the new white hill and pushed on some shiny things on the sides of it. Then he stopped to talk to the lady and asked about the new foals. He said he saw a gray-colored animal that was bigger than a coyote coming across the field toward the back pasture when he was driving by a few days ago. The lady said she saw an animal a few years back that she thought was a wolf watching the ponies. It is good that those ponies have wire mesh fence to protect them, altho my mom and the other grown-up ponies would fight with anything that wanted to mess with their babies. But they would rather eat grass than fight with a wolf. We don't have wire mesh fence, we have boards (that we like to bust down) that have gaps in between them. But there is skinny orange wire in the gaps, so if you try to put your head through there, it will sting you. We would laugh if a wolf put his head through there and got stung by the wire!
We were expecting rain all week, but we got hardly any. Yesterday the sky got dark and there was wind and it rained for about a minute. That was it. All of us looked like appaloosas because we had dark rain spots on us. We are not going to get any more nice grass at this rate.