

Sunday, April 26, 2015


FINALLY us ponies are getting some action back here.  After all the snow and the cold and the biting string sometimes falling down and my dad Bob getting into our pasture and us getting hay every day and then Tux coming to live with us, even tho we all hate him except my mom, Tudi, -- finally, we are getting something interesting.  The lady came back with the big orange machine and drove it around outside and inside our pasture yesterday.  The dirt is wet and sucks our feet way down so the round things on the orange machine were sunk way down too and sometimes they just went around without making the orange machine even go anywhere.  The machine made super huge ruts in the wet dirt and the lady made it dig even bigger ruts and then she put a black tube in one of the ruts and then covered it up.  But then today, things got really exciting.  The lady showed up and she slogged through the really really wet dirt and came out to where we were laying down in our pasture.  It is almost dry out here where we have a little bit of nice grass.  The lady had crunchy treats in her pockets so we were really happy to see her.  Of course, only special (read "bossy") ponies got to eat any of the crunchy treats.  The lady had some funny-looking leather strap things that she tried to put on Toby's head.  But the first one was too big and the second one was too small.  So she put the smaller one on Billy's head.  Then she and Billy went over to the log ring and Billy got brushed a little and then they practiced Billy standing at certain places.  Billy is the boss of all of us, but he is sensitive and worries about stuff.  The lady sat on his back and they just walked around a little bit.  Billy thought it was kind of fun because the lady would make a click noise and then he would get one of those crunchy treats. When they were done walking around, the lady called us ponies and Harley came running over.  Harley knew that she had treats in her pockets.  He went in the log ring and they practiced standing at certain places too.  Then the lady sat on Harley's back.  But since none of the leather strap things fit on Harley too good, she didn't put one on his head.  Then she asked Harley to "Wok" and stuff.  Harley LOVES that he gets treats when the lady is on his back.  Back when he learned to have the lady sit on his back, there were no treats and NOW there are TREATS!  Harley gets really beside himself over the clicking and the treating. He didn't want to Wok and Ho. He wanted to jump and run in jubilation.  The lady could see that this was not going to go as planned. ( I quite frankly can't figure out what she was planning when she got on that pony without any tack...)  She asked Harley to "Ho", but Harley started to spin and jump.  The lady fell off onto the wet soft ground.  Then Harley really ran and bucked.  But he didn't get a click or a treat for that. So then the lady got the bigger leather strap thing and kind of made it fit on Harley's head.  Then they walked around a little bit with the lady sitting on his back and Harley got some treats for turning and stopping.  Then the lady got Haylie and put the stappy thing on her head because it fits on her.   They walked around in the log ring too.  Haylie was suspicious of the treating and the stuff in the log ring.  She thought it was too easy.
   So I don't know when it will be my turn in the log ring.  But I hope it will be soon, because I am one of the special-est ponies in the whole field.