So today it was hot and we were not in a very good mood because those stupid geese were back. They almost all left a few days ago and there were only two of them by the pond, but today there were a ton of them again. And here came that little bossy dog with the funny bark, taking the lady for a walk. She had her on a lead line and was walking back toward the pond. There are actually three dogs and the lady calls them terrors. There is a taller one that is almost all white with a brown head and he is very noisy. He was not on the walk because he was too busy barking at us ponies. He jumps around and sometimes tries to bite our heels. He is really annoying. The bossy dog usually has the lady on a lead. Sometimes she comes out by herself, but then she doesn't pay attention to anything except the pretty cat. She runs into the barn really fast and tries to catch the cat and kill it. Us ponies don't really have strong feelings about the cat one way or the other, but it is always a friendly cat and makes nice purring sounds, so we don't think the terror should kill it. But today the terror had the lady on the lead line, so it w

as busy making her walk back to the pond. There is a third dog that is short and spotty, like a brown and white pinto. He seems kind of dumb. He looks confused most of the time and wanders around dazed. The first time we saw him, he came trotting into our pasture and

didn't even seem to notice that there were these giant legs that could crush him into oblivion. We don't often get to stomp on a terror, so we ran up to him and he just stopped and looked at all us ponies standing around him. Then my sister Gypsy stuck her foot out and he yelped and started running, but he didn't even know how to get away from us. I think Gypsy did kick him then and then he ran under the fence. So now he is smarter about staying out of our pasture, but he still looks clueless. Anyway, he was bringing up the rear of the walk, and acting like he wasn't sure if he should go along or stay behind. He would walk a little bit on his stubby little legs, then he would sit down and then he would jump up and run after them as fast as he could go. When they got down to the pond, the stupid geese were all honking around and some were waddling and they went into parts of the pond and floated around. The bossy dog took the lady around the far side of the pond and kept looking in the water at the swimming geese. There was a goose that was sitting on the ground and it had it's beak resting in the dirt, so the lady walked over to it. She pawed it with her foot and the goose fell over and had it's feet sticking up in the air. She asked the short pinto dog why there was a dead goose by the pond and he looked even more confused. I think he was worried that she thought he killed the goose or maybe that he was supposed to have killed the goose and didn't. He was a little worried about it either way. That other bossy terror never even saw the dead goose and made the lady keep walking the rest of the way around the pond. She was thinking she would like to kill geese, but couldn't figure out how to get through all that water to get at them.
After the goose and terror excitement, it finally started to rain. It has smelled like rain for days, and it got here this afternoon. We need more nice grass. And the bugs are afraid of the rain, so they are all hiding which is good for us!