

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

coyote news

Well, today was earthshaking! And there were not even any ponies galloping around, so it was pretty weird. But it was over quick and no one fell down, so we didn't care. The weather was good and I was hoping the lady would take me to the new hill and give me more carrots. I waited all morning while she took the dark horse Alexis and then the pretty-faced Mari in there, and then she drove around on the noisy red thing that looks like a giant bug, making the grass and weeds short. Then she took Artie and Fusion in there. This was taking all day. She brought the terrors out and tied the bossy one by the barn, where it was yipping and yipping. Then she finally came out to our field with a halter. But I wasn't paying any attention to her because a big coyote was standing by the pond. At first, I thought it was a deer because it was so big and light brown, just like a deer. It was staring at the pasture where my Mom and the other mares and the foals are. When the lady showed up at the top of the hill, it looked at her and then looked back at the pasture. Then it got skulky and trotted toward the pasture. The ponies were not inside their mesh fence pasture where they go at night, they were just in some of that shocking fence tape so they can get extra nice grass during the day. The ponies hardly even glanced up at the coyote as it came into the field, but the bunch of stupid geese in there started honking and waddling really fast in all sorts of directions. The coyote ran at the geese, but they flew away. Then it was stuck there looking silly. I thought maybe it would decide to chase my little brother or Haylie's two week old filly, since it was bigger than both of them, but it just came back under the fence and looked up the hill toward the lady. That bossy dog was still barking and I thought maybe it decided that terror would be good for dinner instead of goose, but it only went part of the way up the hill before it veered off to go toward the cemetery. I think the lady was worried tho, because she put the terrors in the barn before she came back down to us. You know, there used to be a gray and white Canadian cat that lived in the barn and we have not seen him for quite a while. I wonder if the coyote ate him? When the lady got back out to us, she took my blond sister LuLu and my big brother Harley. That was fine with me because that yapping terror was giving me a headache. So maybe tomorrow I will get some carrots.....