The lady came out to me in the pasture and asked me to come with her. I figured she must have something important or some food for me, so I went along. We walked right up to the side of the new white hill and went right through a green door in the wall. And we walked right inside of the hill! It is bright inside but shady and no bugs. On two sides you can see the sky over the wall, but on the other two sides you can't. When the wind blew a little, the white part shook and made a scary sound, so I thought maybe it was going to try to eat me like it did the metal hoops, but it stayed where it was so I was okay with it. I got a tour and was able to walk all around it. Then I got brushed and even had a pedicure! What fun! When I was tired of it, we left and I ran back out into my pasture to tell everyone all about my big adventure. Two of those tall birds with the long legs and beaks thought I was going to run them over and they flew up out of the pond when they saw me galloping. Of course, now that I have been in the hill, EVERYONE wants to go there. My sister Gypsy went and had her feet done and Toby too -- and four of the horses had to go inside too. It is just the most popular place since I was there.