

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Bugs! bugs! bugs everywhere! Every time we try to go out, the bugs are in our ears and pinging off our noses. Gnats -- or rather Adirondack black flies -- I think we must have so many because of the stream that runs through our pasture. I heard that they like running water. We get stuff in our ears to keep them away, but it only works for a little while and then the bugs come back. I hate the bugs! It has been wet all spring and it is really humid now, so I think that contributes to them too. This evening, the horse youngsters were going into the barn and right after they had their fly masks removed, Mak was nosing around a little rake and it fell over in the aisle and scared the daylights out of him. (I told you about horses, didn't I?) So he and Ferris went careening out of the barn and galloped all around. By the time the lady caught up with them, they had so many bugs around their heads, you could hardly see their faces. They were really upset about it. It is never good to get hot and sweaty and run around when the bugs are out. It just makes them worse.
Did I tell you about my baby brother? He was foaled last week. He is cute, but my mom, Tudi says never to tell anyone about a new baby. I said Why? and she said Coyotes. I have seen some coyotes around but they have not bothered us. Probably because we are bigger than them and there are a lot of us. Billy and Harley and Toby would be mad if a coyote came in and tried to bite us. And I think a coyote would have to be nuts to want to mess with MY mom and Aunt Taca and Haylie. And usually my dad is out with them too and he hates canines, but he is up at the barn. He is good at watching out for his mares and babies -- everyone knows that stallions are in charge of security.
Well, I am going back to our luxurious shed and waiting for these nasty bugs to go to sleep. I hate these bugs!