
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Bird updates
So a couple of days ago I wrote about the tiny cats. The tiny cats are still there in the barn in the hay bale cave. They have their little eyes open, but they aren't running around or anything. There are other things around here that are reproducing as well and the most prominent are the geese. The geese are brown and white with black heads and very noisy. They are messy and eat our grass. The geese hang out by the pond and run around in the muddy areas of our pastures and the streams and are always honking and hissing and flapping. The geese all leave when the ground turns white and come back when it starts to get warmer. A long time ago, there was just one pair of geese, but then they had babies and every year there are more and more geese. This year there were four couples who had a bunch of goslings a few weeks ago and now those little geese are already half-grown fuzzy geese. Then another pair of geese showed up with a tiny baby goose yesterday. The parents are kind of freaking out over the adolescent cousin geese intimidating their baby. Tonight, another big bird showed up and was flying around over the pond. The bird was brown on the top and wings and had a white head and belly. The big bird was trying to catch something in the pond, so all the geese shut up and huddled on the banks and pretended they were rocks. A little black bird with red on its wings kept flying at the big bird but the big bird kept circling back. The lady called the little white dog over to her because she didn't want the big bird to carry it away. Then I guess the big bird got bored or tired of being pecked by the little bird, so it left. Which avoided significant eagle-induced trauma all the way around.