It is noisy.. There are big bangs around, but we are not sure where they are coming from. Some trucks came into the field by our woods and the people got out and looked at the trees I guess they wanted to climb into the trees like the squirrels do, because they put some steps up by one of trees and climbed up and sat there. Then they came back down and drove away, but they left the steps there. Our lady walked over to the fence that runs along the woods and discovered that there was a big hole where the pointy wire used to be. So she put the pointy wire back up. Then she got some of that wide white tape that bites if you touch it and hung that along the wire fence. She has been taking down and putting that fence tape up everywhere. Some of it is white and some is black and some is wide and some is skinny and some looks like rope, but it will all bite you if you rub up against it. A while ago, she took down the tape at the end of our pasture and we could go into the grassy field that is next to it. In past years, the lady would drive machines around in the field when the weather was warm and cut it short and then make the grass into boxes that were tied up and she would bring us the boxes when there was no more grass growing. This year, she didn't cut the grass, so when we went into the field, there was a lot of tall dead grass. There is short green grass too, but it is down there, under the tall grass, so you have to sort through it. It's not like you can just rush out there and shove grass in your mouth, so that was a bit of a disappointment. Plus, the field next to ours looked REALLY green because other ponies were eating out there. Then yesterday, the lady came out and yelled at us so we ran up really fast to see what was going on and she showed us that we can walk into another part that has a lot more green grass. THAT was very exciting. A couple of times we had to run back out of there because there were loud bangs that startled us and the bunch of ponies that are eating grass by the barns. But the grass there is nice, so we went back in after no one was hurt. I was trying to keep my sister DD from eating grass in there with us, but she kept sneaking back in when I was distracted. Her real name is Derby Day because she was foaled on a day that a bunch of big horses that have nothing to do with us ran around in a circle far away, but we call her DD for short. She looks almost exactly like our younger sister Elfe. But I don't have a problem with Elfe. We ate a lot of the nice grass and then my big sister Gypsy said we had to go check out other parts of our fields, so now we can't get back in there until tomorrow. The lady says we don't know that pasture well enough yet to be out there at night. I do know that there is a tall white neighbor bird that lives in a pen next to the creek. The bird was surprised to see us and made all kinds of really funny noises at us. Kind of like the big brown birds that walk around in the woods, but different. The lady says that bird might not be there tomorrow.