
Thursday, May 14, 2020
It has been a long time since I posted anything on here. So now I am going to post something about cats. Us ponies do not have strong opinions about cats, like we do about dogs. Cats are fairly homogeneous in size and are not usually very noisy when they are around ponies. So we do not have to concern ourselves much about them. When it is cold outside there is a cat that comes to the barn and lives in our hay. He is a ginger cat that is the same color as Billy and Lulu and Siena. He acts like he really likes the lady and purrs and rubs against her, but if she pets him, then he gets really mad when she stops. He hisses and growls and bites her. So she pets him real quick and then stops before he can grab her. He is supposed to be defending the hay bale strings from mice, so she tries to treat him like an employee. When he was in the barn while there was still a lot of hay there, a black cat came to the barn too. The black cat is afraid of everyone and hides and runs when the dogs or the lady show up. The cats made a lot of noise, for cats, and the lady was worried about the cats fighting. The other lady who came here and knows way more about cats than our lady said that she did not have to worry about the cats fighting because they were probably going to have kittens. So now there is hardly any hay in the barn and only a couple of bales go out to two of the pastures because most of us have grass to eat. The ginger cat is not around any more but sometimes the black cat is lurking around. Two days ago, the lady went to get hay in the barn and found three tiny newborn kittens on the floor. The kittens were cold and dead and the lady was sad because the kittens were so cute. So today, she picked up a bale of hay and three tiny sibling kittens were mewling behind it. They are very cute too and the lady does not want the dogs to find them. The dogs like to bite small furry things. So she put the hay bales back around the kittens so that they have a hay cave. We don't know what will happen to the cats.