
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Us ponies are dealing with a lot of negative stuff. As in, we are just not getting stuff. Like, for instance, apples. For a while, there were lots of apples. I mean LOTS of apples. The trees along our fields had apples and ladies would show up and throw the apples in to us that fell outside of our reach. The ladies would bring apples in the big orange machine and in the little green truck thing. Now, no apples. None. And the various ladies stopped coming to see us and tell us we were beautiful and brushing our manes and tails. The grass got really short and even tho we can tell that it is green when we look out over the field, if you run over to eat it, there is hardly anything there. So our lady brings us hay in the big orange machine. The orange machine is noisy, so we can hear it coming and we run over to watch it's round feet disappear into the soft wet ground. There is a lot of water splashing around too. Sometimes the orange machine goes sideways and we worry that it isn't going to come over to our gate, but it usually does. The orange machine decides whether we get the hay at our gate, in the nets or by the woods where there are no nets, but where the lady can put it on the tiny grass. Sometimes, the orange machine comes to the other side of our pasture. That was where it showed up yesterday morning, but in the afternoon, the lady came with another lady in the little green truck thing. The hay was in the back of the truck thing, but the ladies didn't give us the hay, even though I was standing right by the rope fence and chasing away the little gray ponies who think they can boss me around (but they can't.) The ladies had their hard shiny hats on and they carried straps that they put on Harley and Haylie's heads. Then they led Harley and Haylie back over to where the log ring and the sheds and other gates are. Us ponies were pretty amazed at that. So we followed to see what was going to happen. Along the way, the ladies gave Harley and Haylie some carrots and good treats that they had in their pockets. That was totally unfair. When we got to the other side of the bridge, we were pretty sure that they were planning to give secret hay to Harley and Haylie, because that is where we usually get hay. So we galloped up and flew by them and milled around to see where the secret hay was. The ladies stood up on pieces of big logs and said "Mount up" and Haylie and Harley stood right next to them so the ladies could sit on their backs, but we wanted to get carrots and treats, so we crowded around and some of the ponies were trying to bite Haylie (Most of the ponies know better than to bite Harley.) So the lady got back off Harley and they went to where the rope fence will come apart and took Haylie and Harley right across the rail that is usually hanging up there. Right by where we sometimes get hay. And they got more CARROTS! It was insufferable behavior! We thought about rushing through the rope and rail, but then we ran down the fence line and started calling for them to return immediately and to bring the secret hay or regret it forever. Haylie didn't know what to think. She was getting treats and was pretty happy about being away from the other ponies. Harley thought he should come back to us and help us look for the secret hay, so he started jumping around. That made the lady laugh a little. She found a stump in the woods and got on Harley's back while the other lady climbed on Haylie. Then they disappeared into the woods for a little while. We ran around in the field and yelled for them to come back. It was really horrible to think that they were out there getting stuff we couldn't have. (Except for Toby, he laid on the ground and rolled and turned himself from a gray pony into a brown pony.) Then they came back and came in through the hay gate. We STILL didn't get any hay. Our lady got off Harley and got on Toby, even though he was brown. We told Haylie we were going to bite her as soon as that other lady was done giving her treats, but the other lady gave us some treats too. Our lady told Toby he had to carry her back to the other side of the pasture and then we remembered that there was hay over there in the green truck thing. HOORAY! So we galloped back over there as fast as we could. (Our lady got off Toby and let him gallop with us, rather than getting thrown off in the mud.) Then we finally got our hay. It was a harrowing afternoon.