

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Safety Guide for deer season

This time of year, many ladies who sit on ponies are afraid to go out in the woods around here because they have concerns for their safety when the "deer hunters" are prowling about.  So I have decided to compile some safety tips for the deer hunters.
Tip #1:  Deer hunters should know what their quarry looks like.  Almost all White-tailed deer are grayish-brown.  They have four legs and some of them have antlers like trees growing on their heads.  So if you see something that is white or black or has spots on it, it is probably not a deer.  Even baby deer don't have spots on them this time of year.  Since you don't have an exotic animal-killing license, you shouldn't shoot at it.
Tip #2:  If it has clothing on it, it is not a deer.  Deer hardly ever wear coats, or hats or blankets.
Tip #3:  If you see it inside a fenced area, don't shoot at it.  This means that if you climbed over or cut through a fence, and now you see something that might be a deer, too bad, it is not your deer to shoot at. That just the way it is. 
Tip#4:  If you see something in the woods and you are not sure if it is a deer, you can yell out to it and ask it. If it says "Yes, I am a deer" -- Do NOT shoot it!"  That is called sarcasm, and deer are never sarcastic.  Only people are sarcastic.  Do not shoot people. If it runs away, it might have been a deer. Oh well, maybe now you will know for next time.  
Tip #5:  You can look up what deer look like on the internet, where there are lots of pictures and videos.  (Like this one  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khKrd1RNy2U ) You can also see them in movies about Santa Claus and Bambi.