
Saturday, February 27, 2016
Brown, yellow and gray travails
Brown and yellow and gray. Everything in our pony world is brown and yellow and gray. It is pretty boring. There is hardly any white stuff at all. Sometimes there is a little at night, but then the next day it turns brown. Where there used to be nice green grass, it is brown and yellow. There are some green trees in the magical forest, but we can't get in there any more. Most of the ponies are brown as well. Even the black and red and gray ones are brown. A couple of days ago, we heard the lady coming in the little green truck thing with our morning hay so we all gathered around to wait for her. But instead of coming across the field like it usually does, the little green truck thing started going sideways and then it went backwards right into some bushes. Usually the little green truck thing has more sense than that, but maybe it was trying to hide from something scary. But we didn't see anything scary. We just saw our breakfast stopping in bushes really far away. Then the lady walked off in the opposite direction which was really disheartening. After a long while (like forever) the big orange machine came bouncing along on it's round feet and it went over and stood in front of the green truck thing. The lady got out and talked to the truck thing and the orange machine and then she climbed on the orange machine's back and it started to back up and the green truck thing followed it out of the bushes. When it was out about five pony lengths, she got off the orange machine and rode in the green truck thing to bring us our hay. Then, that afternoon, she came a different way in the green truck thing and it got all obstinate and wouldn't climb out of some brown holes that were really wet and she had to go climb on the orange machine that was still sitting in the field from the morning and it came and talked the green truck thing into bringing us our hay AGAIN. Like it wasn't bad enough that we had to be out in wind and water that fell all day and all night and filled up the creeks and made our pastures squishy. But last night it got cold so the water in the pastures and the creeks turned hard and gray on top. As you know, it is very dangerous to try to walk on the flat gray ground, so us ponies try to not do that. So this morning, the green truck came down to the field with the lady and our hay, but we couldn't get over to it because we were on the side of the creek with the sheds. The lady came walking over to see if the bridge was washed out because there was a way lot of water and the big logs that used to be along the side of the trail where we walked to the bridge were now sideways and in the way. She stepped over the logs and walked to where the gray ground was along the bridge and Toby went and stood on the bridge to watch to see if she fell down and disappeared. But the gray ground just crunched and brown squishy ground came up through it and she walked right through it. Hooray! Toby stepped on the gray ground and it turned squishy too.! So we knew that we were saved from starvation and we all came trotting across the bridge and said Hi! to the lady. She went one way back toward the hay and we went the way we usually go on the trail, but that was flat shiny gray ground too, so rather than risk it, we had to turn around and follow the lady across the lumpy ground with the sticks. We finally got our hay and it was delicious.