
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
So every day, the lady comes back to see us and brings us good stuff to eat. For a while she brought us hay. But the nice grass was growing so she stopped that. Other ladies come to visit us too and the ladies sit on some of our backs and give us lots of treats. I always want our lady to sit on my back, but sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't. For awhile, it was Sienna every day. Sienna didn't want the lady to get up high and be on top of her back. So she would walk around and around the big stump that the lady stands on until I thought that lady was going to fall right over. Whenever the lady takes us over to the stump, she gets really tall, and then she leans over and puts her front feet on our backs. (Her front feet are wiggly and are always holding on to stuff, since the lady hardly ever uses her mouth to pick stuff up the right way.) When you feel her foot on your back, you are supposed to stop and then the lady will make a sound with her mouth and you get something to eat! It is great fun. As soon as you hear her say "Mount Up" you should go stand next to a stump. Not all the ponies know this as well as some of us smarter ponies. Sienna didn't like when the lady got tall and she especially didn't want to stand there when the lady leaned on her. She took up a lot of time that the lady could have been giving us other ponies treats by walking in circles. Finally the lady sat on her back, but it was still another week before the lady was able to sit on her back and Sienna figured out how to walk and stop. I can do that really good now. Me and my sister Gypsy have been practicing bunches of times and we try to teach the lady to give us treats. The lady is confused much of the time and has us walking in the wrong direction (away from our friends) and sometimes we go over big logs instead of logically walking around them. We put up with her because of the treats. Another lady comes and sits on top of Haylie or my mom Tudi. Haylie gets apples because they walk over to the apple tree and then that lady reaches up and pulls apples right off the tree. So as soon as that lady gets on her back, Haylie wants to walk to the next field and get apples so we all follow to see if we can get some apples too. Our regular lady sits on different ponies when she isn't messing around with Sienna, Billy or Harley or Tux or Toby or one of us shorter ponies. If she sits on Harley, Harley gets very happy and jumps around. Sometimes he jumps over logs, and sometimes he just jumps. He is exuberant. And sometimes Harley and Haylie and the ladies go through the gate and walk around in the woods. When those ponies come back, they think they are way cooler than the rest of us, even tho they are really sweaty. Then Harley paws with his foot and lays down and rolls and the lady gives him treats for doing that. But usually, we just get apples for being here when the ladies show up. They pull the little green truck thing up to the fence and yell "Ponies!" And then it starts raining apples. The apples are bouncing every which direction, so we have to run after them and try to get them before Billy or Harley or Gypsy do. We love apples!