
Friday, November 8, 2013
slow feeder frames
So the weather is finally starting to get nice. With breezes blowing our fuzzy fuzzy coats around and none of those flying bugs at all! We have some of those little nasty crawling bugs that come off the bushes and then climb on our faces and necks and then get really fat. Those bugs are itchy. The lady comes out in the morning and pulls those bugs off and scratches our itchy necks, which is nice, but it will be nicer when the weather makes even those bugs stop climbing around. We are excited because we got a new pasture and it had a LOT of nice grass, but that was a bunch of days ago so we ate that grass already. That lady has been coming to visit and for a while she brought us apples, but now she doesn't so much any more. While she was going around where the new pasture is, she was dragging big dead trees around with that orange machine and then she would put sticks in the ground and climb over the trees so she could make hooks so that the white biting rope that goes around our pasture could hang on the sticks. She doesn't walk as good as a pony does because her feet are really long and soft, not at all like pony feet and I think they get in the way alot. The one day she was walking by a big tree on the ground and then she started swaying and all of the sudden she just fell down flat. She said words that made us think she would try to bite or kick us if she was close by, but of course, she doesn't actually bite or kick us because she isn't a pony. I think she has to say those words because she doesn't have any ears to signal that she is mad. As you know, our ears are perfect and we can swivel them so the other ponies know if we are paying attention, or sleepy or really pissed off. I feel sorry for the lady not having any ears. She has some kind of pink circle things on the sides of her head, but they don't move at all, so I don't know what they are for. Anyway, after the lady fell down, she didn't sit on our backs or give us carrots for a while. THEN she came down to by the gate with the big orange machine and made deep holes and put square sticks in the ground. We went over to help her while she was putting other square sticks across the tops of them. She had a white bag that had little shiny things in it and we were investigating that when little Pinke started pawing at it with her foot so she could see the shiny metal things better. Next thing she knew, that bag was looped right around her foot and wiggling and horrible scary so she tried to run away. But the bag held on to her foot and went rustling and bouncing right along with her! There were little shiny metal things flying everywhere in the mud. But the lady didn't even say ear-pinning words, she just laughed and then went and picked up the white bag after it let go of Pinke's foot and put all the shiny metal things back inside. So then we left. There is no point in hanging around if you are going to be attacked by dangerous bags and don't get any carrots. So we will just have to see what will happen with those odd square sticks. At least they aren't boxes that hide and hold on to our hay.. You know we hate the boxes.