So I told you about the square frame things that the lady put up in our pasture, right? Then she came and hung up big fancy black nets on the square frames. The black nets are pretty and they have green and blue strings wrapped around the part at the top, so we figured that the lady was giving us some sort of holiday decorations. Apparently this is a popular idea among some ladies who hang up different colored stuff on their barns depending on which holiday they decide to celebrate. So we were surprised when the lady came down with the little green truck thing and put hay inside the nets! Aha! It seems like these nets are like vertical boxes. But way way better. You may recall we hate the boxes because they don't let us eat hay as fast as we wanted to. Of course, in order to make this determination, first you have to get hay that is thrown out on the ground so you can eat it fast. And then, if the hay after THAT hay is put in boxes, it is too hard to eat. But this time, there was no initial hay for comparison. So the choices were "no hay" versus "hay in nets". Let me tell you -- hay in nets is WAY better than no hay at all. Wow! We love the hay in nets. I will post some pics. Even tho we are muddy in the pics.