
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Cold and Wet
So the weather has not been good and there is no nice grass growing at all. Yesterday there was cold white stuff falling from the sky and then it just turned into wet stuff that made the dirt slippery and mushy. It was really wet. It made you feel like just biting any smaller pony's butt that came by you. The lady was late with our hay and it took her forever to put it in the nets. Then she went to give some feed to my dad Bob and his mares and foals in the pasture next to ours. Those foals are getting big. There is the one named Cracker Jack that used to be black and now he is roany like me. The other one is Peaches' little brother. The lady seems to have run out of names, so she just calls him Peaches' Brother, or PB. PB was all bent about the lady showing up to feed them late. The other ponies were nickering and milling around but PB came up to that lady as she came in the gate and swung his butt around and acted all menacing. She didn't like that. She whacked his butt and told him to knock it off. He threw his head all around and was snorting and then trotted around in circles and kept turning his butt toward her. She gave some feed to my dad Bob (who always eats first) and then went to put some in Taca's dish. But the dish had slushy water in it so after she dumped it out and stood up, PB had backed up toward her and Wham! Wham! -- he kicked her really hard! Twice! Personally I think that was a mistake. You get more feed if you turn your head toward the lady than if you turn your butt toward her. So then she had mud all over her and she called him some new names, but none of them were PB or even Peanut Butter. She even threw a little stick at him as he cantered around in circles with his head all up and was bucking and all proud of himself. So then he didn't get anything good to eat because he eats with his mama Taca, and he wouldn't come back over to her with the lady standing right there. Today the sun is out so us ponies are in way better moods than when it was wet. We just hope she gets back here quick with that hay.