It has been windy here almost every day. I think some of those littler ponies were almost going to blow away, but they haven't yet. With the wind, it is not hot like it was for a while there and the grass is green but really short. We walk around and look for longer grass to eat, but everywhere we go, it is short. Even in the far pasture where the ground is still wet, it is short. Last evening, there were almost as many deer in my dad Bob's pasture as there are us ponies, which is a lot. The lady doesn't let Bob and his mares go out in that pasture yet, so they were staring at the deer and were pretty mad at them, eating their grass. The lady has been coming out to visit us almost every day with carrots and sometimes we get to go into the white hill and try to train that lady into giving us the carrots. She is starting to catch on. She also brings out a long metal scratchy thing that she scrapes across our backs and necks and butts. It feels wonderful and our hair flies around every which way in the wind. The lady keeps going Pfft Pfft and spitting out hairs. You should see the Fusion when she does it to him. He looks like he is inside a fuzzy yellow tornado! That big red mare that lives with my Mom Tudi and my little brother is still really hairy and fat. Every day, the lady goes out and looks under her belly. That mare is grumpy too, so I don't think I'd be sticking my head under her belly.
Yesterday the lady who talks funny came to see us and she went to some of the boy ponies and started yanking on their manes. When she was done, there were pieces of mane on the ground and their manes were almost as short as mine. But of course, mine is way more glamorous because I had mine cut off to look like a polo pony back when it was colder and now it is growing back. That lady didn't have a hat on, so I couldn't try to bite it. She didn't have any carrots, so I hardly talked to her at all. If you want attention from me, it is best to carry treats.