There has been interesting stuff going on around here. Yesterday, a tall man pulled his truck over right by the pen where the old big horse used to eat his breakfast and dinner. There used to be a sign on the pen that said "Le Bistro", but the lady took it down after the old horse died. Now no one eats breakfast in there anymore So the lady brought that white horse mare into the former Bistro and the tall man stood behind her. Then he shook his head. And then the lady went and got my little brother and the colt with the cute white front feet. Each of the colts laid down and went to sleep for a little while right in front of the tall man and then when they got up, they walked funny. Then this morning, the lady brought my dad Bob up to the barn and led the white horse mare back to the pasture where Bob lives with Taca and the new filly. The white mare was not happy and she walked back and forth along the fence and kept yelling. The other horses that she lived with yelled a couple of times when she left, but then they couldn't hear her so they didn't say anything. In a little while, the lady took Bob back out to his pasture. He had his long mane and tail all combed out and it was easy to see where I got my glamorous looks. He was really happy to see that white mare in his pasture.
The lady was out in the pasture today talking to the horses where the white horse mare used to live. Then she looked over at us ponies and she said "What are you ponies doing OUT?" She came running over and looked at where the fence tape was lying on the ground. Us ponies were really excited to be eating nice grass and the ponies that had scattered into the woods came running up to the where the rest of us were eating. The lady moved gates around to block exits, and then she came up behind us and made funny noises so we had to go back into our pasture. But then I guess she felt sorry for us so she moved the fence and left us out into the nice grass again that is growing between the pastures. We couldn't go out there when the old big horse lived there, because he would get really mad at us being so close to his mares, but now we can without making anyone mad. The lady tried to give us carrots, but we were so happy about the nice grass that we didn't even care about the carrots. So she left and rode that spotted pony Haylie. Then she took the lumpy brown thing and put it on the backs of the those bay horse mares. That Alexis, she never saw anything like that before. When the lady put it on her back and made it tight, she was really surprised. She jumped way up in the air and then she spun around and pulled away from the lady and started to run like there was a whole band of coyotes after her. Wow! That was something. When she stopped, the lady took the lumpy thing back off her back and put it on that Jewel mare and rode her around in the pasture. Alexis didn't think much of that idea either. She came up to Jewel and tried to bite the lady's leg. So that was the end of the excitement for today.