

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Hot hot hot

So here we are in our gorgeous, glamorous fur coats, and the sun is so hot that we are getting them all sweaty. This is not good. Some of the ponies are actually losing their hair, like little Perlita, but my hair isn't coming out. Maybe it is going to get cold again. Then I will need my fur coat. Today the lady came and got Harley and when she brought him back, he was all wet. He felt better for a little while, and he liked being able to roll in the dirt with his hair all wet. You know, that big fat Red horse mare looks like one of those Curly Bashkir horses, she was way too hot today, so the lady made her all wet too. The good news is that even though it is really hot, there are hardly any bugs out. Usually when it is so hot, there are lots of bugs. There are no bugs in our ears or flying around our eyes.
A couple of days ago, the lady fixed the temporary fence that makes our pasture real big and opened the gate so we could go out there to look for nice grass. When we saw her opening that gate, we ran like crazy so we could eat all that green grass, but when we got there, the grass was way shorter than we expected. It looked really green from the other side of the gate, but up close, there was not so much of it. We even ran to other parts of the field that looked greener, but they weren't any different. I wish she would open the gate to the nice grass by our pond. We can see that grass is way better than the stuff on our side of the fence. (Editor's note: No, it's not.)
The lady has been taking some of the ponies out and putting the brown lumpy thing on their backs. Then she rides them and gives them carrots. Yesterday she was riding that Artie (who lives with Fusion) by the pond and some ducks flew up off the pond and scared Artie. He took off and I thought that lady was going to end up right on the ground behind him. But she didn't fall off, she just pulled on the reins that were attached to a metal thing in his mouth so he stopped. I think he felt a little silly after he looked around and saw that there was nothing to be scared of.