
Sunday, February 5, 2012
A good day
Well, even tho the weather has been not very cold and there has only been a bit of white stuff on the ground in the mornings, we have been totally neglected ponies and have hardly got any carrots at all forever. Oh sure, the lady brings us nice hay and puts it in the boxes and our big hay net, and she files our hooves so they look pretty and sometimes she pets us, but really, doesn't she realize how much we need carrots just to be appreciated? Of course, it has been a little windy and that big metal thing that she dragged out of the woods some time back is all noisy and trying to escape from where she tied it, but I still think she could pay more attention to us. Yesterday she rode around by our field on Artie and that hunk of a pony Fusion. We ran over to the fence and watched them go by. Today she was messing around with that white mare and then she drove back and filed the hooves on the mares that live with my dad and FINALLY, she came and got me and took me to the white hill. There were carrots already there waiting for me, but there was also a big brown lumpy thing that she picked up off the fence and put on top of me. It was gigantic, but it hardly weighed anything at all. And it had some shiny metal parts that were jingly. After she tightened a strap around my belly and gave me carrots, she let the metal things fall down by my sides and they were even more jingly, which I didn't like too much. So I trotted around and looked at them a couple of times, and then I just stopped and got carrots. So that actually worked out pretty well. The lady would say Trot and point which way she wanted me to go, so I would trot a little bit and then when she said Whoa, I stopped and got carrots. It was a really simple game and quite rewarding. So then I got to go back out with my friends, (but without the big lumpy thing on my back) and got to eat hay. It was finally a good day. We need more of those.