
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Deer parts
The lady came out to our pasture and had her pockets full of carrots, so we all crowded around and wanted her to give them to us. But she put a halter on Tux and took him out of the gate. Tux is just a three year old and he hardly ever gets to go anywhere, so he was surprised. But he thought getting the carrots was worth the weirdness, so he followed along and they went into the barn and stood on the kind of bouncy ground with the lines on it. The lady got a funny looking nubby comb and scratched it on Tux and tried to get the dirt off him, but he was really dirty, so it didn't work real good. I think it is because he is a boy. Boys are always dirtier than us pretty girls. Then she took the metal stick and put it next to him to see how tall he is. I don't know why she did that. It is pretty easy to see that he is the same size as my brother Harley. Tux didn't want to have the stick next to him, but he put up with it even tho he was a little nervous. Then they got to go into the white hill and he trotted around a little bit and checked it out. He was pretty pleased with his little adventure when he got back out to see us. So no sooner did she let him go and there was Toby barging up and wanting some attention. Toby always wants to be in the middle of everything. So she put the halter on Toby and took him to the barn and put the metal stick next to him too. He didn't care, he was only interested in the lumpy brown thing that I was wearing the day before. So she strapped that lumpy brown thing on his back too and they went to the white hill. Toby thought he was pretty great carrying that lumpy thing around and he had his head all up and was trotting and acting like he owned that place. You know, the footing in there is little pieces of wood that are all chopped up and it is kind of soft and in some parts it is deeper than others. Toby was trotting along the sides of the walls mostly and the lady was cutting across some of the deeper stuff that was almost like a little pile and she tripped and almost fell down. Toby even stopped to see what was going on. The lady turned around and pawed at the wood stuff and a long skinny thing came out of it with a black pointy hoof on the end of it. So the lady pawed at it some more and it was a whole leg of a deer. Not just the part by the foot, but the whole way up to the slanty part. It was almost as long as Toby's leg. "Do you think the cat drug this in?" the lady asked Toby. Toby didn't know what to think. It seemed way too big and heavy for a cat to drag anywhere, but Toby really doesn't know much about cats. So the lady took the lumpy thing off his back and put him out with us. We all thought the deer leg story was the most interesting story we heard all day.