
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
rain bat
Now the ground is hard and shiny and us ponies are sliding around on top of it. A little bit, not a whole lot. Yesterday it was raining and the lady came to see us with some other ladies. The other ladies were scary because they had a giant bat over top of their heads. It was black and just flapping a little bit, so I am not sure how it was staying up there. Mak and Ferris didn't like that bat at all and trotted around looking pretty. Us ponies, we just stayed back and snorted a little bit so the bat would know to not come over here. The ladies said we were cute and they took their bat and left. Then last night, the wind was blowing and making a lot of noise, so we had to stay in our sheds. But there was still hay in our nets, so we tore one off the fence and put big holes in both of them so we could eat that hay faster. The lady took string from the hay bales this morning and made the holes go away. After she walked all over the field looking for the board and hay net that we pulled down. It is too bad she messes up all our good work. But it was good that she went down to the creek the other day with a big hammer and made holes for us there. That water was too hard to drink! We were even walking on top of the hard water. So now the white hill is making lots of flapping noises and it would probably be too scary to go in there. I could maybe do it for enough carrots tho.