
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The lady was so late with our breakfast -- I mean really really late and we were starting to think maybe we were never going to ever get breakfast again. We played a fun trick on her by biting a big hole in the bottom of one of our hay nets the day before, so when she put the hay in the net, it all fell right back out of the bottom! It was grand and we all ran in to grab as much as we could stuff in our mouths before she could take it away from us. So we were thinking maybe she was mad about that hole in the net and wasn't going to bring us any hay at all. And then she showed up with this whole bunch of other ladies, well actually, they were like ladies, but more like fillies, you know, not all grown up, but they were obviously smart because they wanted to know which of us was me and then they wanted to pet me. We all gathered around them and looked for our hay or carrots or SOMETHING, but all we got was petted. It was nice, but not breakfast. The filly ladies said we were beautiful. They did not give me a chance to bite any of their hats. They were talking about how fun and clever Fusion is because he did his tricks for them and they said he was entertaining. Then they left and finally we got our hay. The lady has not been spending much time with us because she has been messing with those big horse mares. She takes Jewel into the white hill and she gives all of them carrots. Today, that white stuff got all over the ground, so it is easier to walk around now, but we got wet. Sometimes there was rain and sometimes it was hard and stung our noses when it hit them. We mostly stayed in our shed except when there was hay to eat.