
Tuesday, February 28, 2017
True love
Now you know my mom Tudi lives with a bunch of us ponies in a couple of big fields with creeks and some woods and sheds and a tall round circle of logs that you can't jump out of unless you are Harley. She was the second pony to move in here and she used to live with my dad Bob. Tudi is a bay pony and everyone says she looks like a Dartmoor pony. My dad is a white Welsh pony and I am the perfect combination, because I started out as a bay pony like my mom, but then I roaned out, so I am kind of gray on my body, but my head and legs and tail are still bay. Our fields are next to a pasture where my dad Bob lives with some other mares and a goofy youngster who has hardly ever left there. There is a biting white string between us and a dark metal fence that has squares in it and some pointy parts that poke you if you brush up against them. There are lots of trees and brush along that dark fence. And then there is still another fence that is metal with a wooden board on the top -- so normally, it is like the lengths of four ponies to get from us to where Bob patrols along his fence and tells us to stay away from his family. But you know, now it is getting warmer and there is hardly any white stuff on the ground. My mom Tudi has been making eyes at my dad Bob across that fence and has been going right over to try to talk to him. The ground is soft and wet, and there was a whole lot of wind, so some of the posts where the white string is attached came loose and fell over. So my mom Tudi was able to get right over to where there is a metal gate so she could talk to Bob. The other ponies thought that was pretty interesting, so they were gathering around too and the boy ponies were arguing with Bob through the gate and next thing we knew, the gate popped right open! Wow! We ran right through that gate and went galloping around in Bob's pasture. My Aunt Taca was there and and another big white horse who I don't know and that goofy young pony and they were so surprised they went galloping away from us. But Bob went right by us into our pasture and was back there with my mom Tudi when the lady came out to give us hay. The lady was not thrilled about that. She closed the gate and made us stay in that little pasture all night with those three strangers. She let Bob stay with my mom Tudi in the ring of logs. We all got nice hay and then this morning, the lady came back and put the fence back up. She had that noisy little machine that makes trees into pieces and dragged the pieces off the fence and put new little sticks in to hold the white string up. She put a new rope on the gate to replace the broken chain. And after she let us run back into our own pasture to eat hay, she took my mom Tudi and Bob and put them both in Bob's pasture. Those other mares don't really like that, but Tudi is so in love with Bob that the lady doesn't think it is fair to keep them apart. I think Tudi and Bob are really happy.