
Thursday, February 2, 2017
The adventurers
Us ponies were having much fun in a new woods this morning, eating bark off the trees and exploring around the little bushes. Some of the ponies left and we couldn't see them any more but we weren't worried too much about them. Then Harley put his head up and walked back through the new woods. Then we heard the lady calling us in a little tiny voice. Her voice got a little bigger and then bigger and then we heard Harley calling too. So then Gypsy and Hailey said we should go see what Harley and the lady were yelling about so we walked along the pony hoofprint trail in the snow through the new woods and then we could see the lady and Harley standing in our pasture. They were on the other side of the white tape that was lying in the snow that used to be our fence. The lady was petting on Harley, but we couldn't see if she had anything good to eat or not. Haylie walked along the hoofprint trail and went to where there are lots of big rocks and dark lines that went into the snow. The dark lines came up out of the snow and were stuck to posts, but where Haylie walked, the lines were low so she could step over them. I decided to take a shortcut to get over to the lady and Harley fast and ended up running right into those lines. OW! Ow! Ow! The lines were hard and had sharp pointy things on them that were biting me on my neck and my chest and then they grabbed my legs and were biting me there too. I stopped and told the lady that now I was stuck and couldn't come over to see her and Harley. The lady came over to me and checked out the lines and tried to make the ones behind my legs go into the snow, but they were tight and they wouldn't budge. So the lady said I had to back up, even tho the lines were mean. That seemed pretty stupid, since I didn't want to go back, I wanted to go over to where Harley and Haylie were standing, but Gypsy and my other sisters were behind me in the new woods, so I backed up and my legs came out of the nasty lines. Then the lady put some hay string around my neck and we walked over to where the dark lines went in the snow. Now the lines were sticking up a little bit, but the lady put her hoof on top of them and I went across them. Then I stopped while she tried to get Gypsy to come across the lines too, but Gypsy didn't want to. But then my sisters Lu Lu and Elfe came with me and we walked out to the pasture and across the white tape on the snow that used to be our fence. Then we were starting to think about breakfast, so we all trotted over to where the others were eating hay and Gypsy and DD came along after. The lady didn't come with us. She just stood there looking at the broken off posts and the white tape. Then she picked up the white flat tape and laid it on the little bushes that are sticking up along there, so it was kind of like where it used to be. After a while, she came back and told us we were naughty. Then the little green truck thing took her away and brought her back with those shiny sticks that some of the white flat string holds up. She took the shiny sticks out to the broken posts and tried to stick the shiny sticks in the snow but they wouldn't stand up. Then she tied the sticks to the little trees and put the white tape on them to hold them up. It really looks like amateur hour back there. Us ponies were not impressed. But the lady brought us extra hay which she shoved in the nets to keep us busy. I guess we'll see if we get another adventure tomorrow.