Us ponies are wet. We don't really mind being wet, because we are warm. We don't have to go in our sheds when it is wet and warm. We can just look for nice grass. Nice grass is getting harder to find now. We have to look in the bushes and by the creek for it. Yesterday we were not wet and the lady came back to see us on an orange machine. She drove around in the trees where there are lots of sticks laying around in the mud. She would back up toward one of the bigger sticks and then she got off and had a clanky bumpy rope that she tied on the stick. After she got back on the orange machine and tried to drive away., the big stick ran after her and chased her. Now we have all these big sticks laying around in our field. They are going to be in the way of the nice grass. Then the lady was driving around in the magical forest where we can't go any more. It is really bumpy and there are lots of little and big sticks over there.
The lady has been making some of the horses move around to new pastures. First Fleur moved in with Ferris and Mak because Artie left. Fleur hated living with the two boys, so then Jewel moved in with them too, so then Fleur thought it was okay. But then Ferris moved to the front pasture with Mari and Rita and Alexis. Ferris liked living with Mak, even tho Mak would bite him, but the lady thought that he would like having his own girls to hang out with.. Alexis thought he was the cutest guy she had ever seen in her whole life, but Rita didn't like him at all. So now he has been living with those girls for a couple of days and they are all getting along better. I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to be his girlfriend. He is tall and super cute and doesn't bite at all. Except grass and hay. I would like to have Ferris live with us. But Billy would not like him and he would definitely bite him. Billy thinks he is the boss of us, but everyone else back here knows that my sister Gypsy is really the boss.
After the lady got done being chased by the big sticks, we went over to see if she had anything good to eat. She told us that she would bring the stupid nets out and hang them up, which she did this morning in the rain. But then she left and has not come back with any hay for the nets. So what is the point of that?.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
The lady who lives up the road said that I should blog about the rain. I don't think she likes the rain. I know she doesn't like the mud. That is where us ponies are different from her. Since the rain came, the grass is greener, so we are pretty happy about that. The grass had been turning brown for a while and we were starting to think that our personal lady better get out here with those stupid hay nets and bring us hay. But then it rained. So this is way better. And mud feels so good when it is squashed around and smeared on our backs. And necks. And faces. Of course, you have to work at it to get a good covering, -- first you have to find a place where there isn't grass growing, then you have to make sure that there are not a bunch of sticks or rocks there and then you can finally lay down and flip around. I think I have a predisposition toward rain because my mom Tudi looks like one of those ponies from Dartmoor, and of course, my dad Bob is of Welsh descent. I hear they get pretty much rain over in those places.
So we are all looking pretty good back here, We have found a LOT of different kinds of adornments for our manes and forelocks. There are big burdocks and cockleburs for large entanglements, and then we add little bitty round burs and some cool black stickers that bristle out all over our heads that set off the mud beautifully. The only problem is that to get the burs, we have to go in the bushes where there are little itchy bugs that crawl on our heads and bite us and turn into fat bugs. Those bugs are mean and make sores on our necks and under our heads. So the lady comes back and scratches us and takes the bugs off, but then we have to go find new ones, so it is a vicious cycle. I guess that is just one of the hazards of looking gorgeous.
So we are all looking pretty good back here, We have found a LOT of different kinds of adornments for our manes and forelocks. There are big burdocks and cockleburs for large entanglements, and then we add little bitty round burs and some cool black stickers that bristle out all over our heads that set off the mud beautifully. The only problem is that to get the burs, we have to go in the bushes where there are little itchy bugs that crawl on our heads and bite us and turn into fat bugs. Those bugs are mean and make sores on our necks and under our heads. So the lady comes back and scratches us and takes the bugs off, but then we have to go find new ones, so it is a vicious cycle. I guess that is just one of the hazards of looking gorgeous.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Carrot shortage
It has been a while since I blogged. Us ponies have been busy this summer. There was a lot of grass to eat. We had to check the fence to make sure that it was still up and we had to eat grass on top of the hill and by the apple tree, over by the rocks and by the creek and on the other side of the bridge and we had to check inside the round log circle and along where the logs are piled up. Like I said, there was a lot of grass to maintain. One time someone came and drove around on the orange machine and made the weeds shorter in parts of our fields, but he didn't stop and talk to us or anything. And of course we have our fancy new sheds that we could stand inside when the bugs were biting our ears. The sheds are a problem because we all have to stand inside the same shed. I don't know why there are two of them. For a while Toby and Harley left with the lady and we didn't see them for a long time. And then, here they come, waltzing back into our field two days ago and acting like they were happy to see us when we knew that they had been up by the barns getting carrots and doing fun stuff. So we are pretty mad at them and we are not even talking to them hardly at all. And Gypsy and Billy bit them. So there. The lady only comes to see us a couple of times a day and then she pets on us and doesn't have carrots. We would like to help that lady ride better if that is what she wants, but we can't help her if she doesn't sit on our backs. So she is out of luck. She only sits on the backs of some of the horses and ponies that she has up by the barn. She was sitting on the one pony and he was trying to help her ride better and she would fall off. I don't think she is catching on to it at all. She is calling him a little bucker. I think that is rude. The lady acted like she was going to take LuLu up to the barn with her and Lulu was being all friendly and getting her head rubbed on and then the lady stopped and said that Lu was skunked, so she couldn't go with her. I am not sure what that means, but apparently it is something that will wash off after a while. Today the lady spent the whole morning with a stick with a square brown thing on the end, mucking around at the end of Krissy's pasture. She went into the high weeds outside the fence so that you couldn't even see her and knocked the weeds down and then made a path for the water to run in. Then she went in the mud that was almost up to her knees and scooped it around and made the water run out of the pasture. It was pretty funny sometimes because she would get stuck and couldn't get her big feet out of the mud. When she got done, she had almost as many of those stickers and little burs all over her hair as us ponies have. But ours looks way better because of the artistic shapes that we make with our forelocks. Hers was really random. But then she pulled them all out anyway, because she knew she could never get them to look as good as we do.
So life is good without bugs and we are thinking that soon the lady is going to bring the big nets down here and hang them up to put hay in. Grass is better but the grass is getting harder to find. If only there were more carrots........
So life is good without bugs and we are thinking that soon the lady is going to bring the big nets down here and hang them up to put hay in. Grass is better but the grass is getting harder to find. If only there were more carrots........
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