
Thursday, June 27, 2013
So we are mostly rested up after our exciting escape and all the fun in the dark chasing that Peaches through the fence and eating all the tall grass that the big red machine had cut down and laid out in rows for us. The lady made our pasture even BIGGER, but now we are closer to the pasture where my dad Bob lives with his mares, so we mostly just want to stand at the corner and watch Bob yell at the boy ponies that live here. The lady thinks we should go eat grass and move away from the corner. I think she is just upset because Billy and Sienna busted right through that fence this morning because our gang was separated and they wanted to be with the rest of us. The lady kept coming back and checking on us today. One time she had that little bossy dog with her and then after they checked us, they went by the pond and the stupid geese started making noises and waddling around. The bossy dog wanted to chase them and the lady let her go. Next thing you know, the bossy dog is in the water swimming after the geese. She did this before and after a while she got tired and came back to the shore. But not today. Today she kept swimming and swimming and swimming. The lady was yelling for her to stop swimming and go over to her, but she was pretty sure that this was her day to catch a stupid goose. The geese were not even worried and swam pretty slow, so then when she would get close, they would just flap right by her, but she always thought that meant she almost had them. After a long time, the lady got sick of waiting on her. She took off her hat and her shoes and she walked right in the pond and started swimming after the bossy dog and the geese. It was pretty funny. The geese started swimming faster because the lady was in the water, so the little bossy dog swam faster too. They were all swimming around in circles,. Finally the lady grabbed the little bossy dog and took her to the shore. They were both very wet and had mud on their legs when they got out of the water. When the lady came back down to see us, she didn't have that bossy dog with her. She just had some funny logs that she pushed into the ground with the orange machine. Then she set other logs on top of them so now there is kind of a barrier of logs in front of the fence where we can see my dad Bob. I think we would have a hard time busting through that part of the fence now. So we will have to find another place.