
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Hay day
This morning, Jewel came walking down the hill to the pond with the lady sitting on her back. Jewel was pretty worried about being there because 1) there were new sticks stuck in the ground all over the place and 2) Jewel is always worried about everything. There was another problem in that the ground was hard and dark in some places and other places it was squishy and dark and then in OTHER places, it was lighter in color and kind of soft and bumpy. That was because the noisy tree-dragging man was carrying dirt around with the big orange machine and dumping it and making the ground flat where it was squishy and had big deep long holes in it. So the ground was highly suspicious just all the way around. Jewel had to walk sideways and look at the ground alot. She was so worried about the dirt that she never even noticed that there was a little pile of tiny deer parts lying by the pond right near where she was walking. I am pretty sure those baby deer come fully assembled, so it seems to me that someone must have come along and disassembled that one. I am thinking it was one of those coyotes. But we haven't even seen the pretty yellow coyote that used to chase the stupid geese. There used to be baby geese in our pond but now there are just a bunch of short adult-looking stupid geese there. Anyway, Jewel walked around some of the new sticks and then she trotted off up the hill and then the lady got that Alexis out and rode her in the White Hill. But she had hardly started when a gigantic scary pile of hay came rolling in behind a loud red machine and then another one came too. So the lady put Alexis away and lots of people took the hay to the barn and put it inside. We didn't want any of that hay because we have nice grass. But we could use some more grass. There is never really enough nice grass, is there?