
Thursday, June 27, 2013
So we are mostly rested up after our exciting escape and all the fun in the dark chasing that Peaches through the fence and eating all the tall grass that the big red machine had cut down and laid out in rows for us. The lady made our pasture even BIGGER, but now we are closer to the pasture where my dad Bob lives with his mares, so we mostly just want to stand at the corner and watch Bob yell at the boy ponies that live here. The lady thinks we should go eat grass and move away from the corner. I think she is just upset because Billy and Sienna busted right through that fence this morning because our gang was separated and they wanted to be with the rest of us. The lady kept coming back and checking on us today. One time she had that little bossy dog with her and then after they checked us, they went by the pond and the stupid geese started making noises and waddling around. The bossy dog wanted to chase them and the lady let her go. Next thing you know, the bossy dog is in the water swimming after the geese. She did this before and after a while she got tired and came back to the shore. But not today. Today she kept swimming and swimming and swimming. The lady was yelling for her to stop swimming and go over to her, but she was pretty sure that this was her day to catch a stupid goose. The geese were not even worried and swam pretty slow, so then when she would get close, they would just flap right by her, but she always thought that meant she almost had them. After a long time, the lady got sick of waiting on her. She took off her hat and her shoes and she walked right in the pond and started swimming after the bossy dog and the geese. It was pretty funny. The geese started swimming faster because the lady was in the water, so the little bossy dog swam faster too. They were all swimming around in circles,. Finally the lady grabbed the little bossy dog and took her to the shore. They were both very wet and had mud on their legs when they got out of the water. When the lady came back down to see us, she didn't have that bossy dog with her. She just had some funny logs that she pushed into the ground with the orange machine. Then she set other logs on top of them so now there is kind of a barrier of logs in front of the fence where we can see my dad Bob. I think we would have a hard time busting through that part of the fence now. So we will have to find another place.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Hay day
This morning, Jewel came walking down the hill to the pond with the lady sitting on her back. Jewel was pretty worried about being there because 1) there were new sticks stuck in the ground all over the place and 2) Jewel is always worried about everything. There was another problem in that the ground was hard and dark in some places and other places it was squishy and dark and then in OTHER places, it was lighter in color and kind of soft and bumpy. That was because the noisy tree-dragging man was carrying dirt around with the big orange machine and dumping it and making the ground flat where it was squishy and had big deep long holes in it. So the ground was highly suspicious just all the way around. Jewel had to walk sideways and look at the ground alot. She was so worried about the dirt that she never even noticed that there was a little pile of tiny deer parts lying by the pond right near where she was walking. I am pretty sure those baby deer come fully assembled, so it seems to me that someone must have come along and disassembled that one. I am thinking it was one of those coyotes. But we haven't even seen the pretty yellow coyote that used to chase the stupid geese. There used to be baby geese in our pond but now there are just a bunch of short adult-looking stupid geese there. Anyway, Jewel walked around some of the new sticks and then she trotted off up the hill and then the lady got that Alexis out and rode her in the White Hill. But she had hardly started when a gigantic scary pile of hay came rolling in behind a loud red machine and then another one came too. So the lady put Alexis away and lots of people took the hay to the barn and put it inside. We didn't want any of that hay because we have nice grass. But we could use some more grass. There is never really enough nice grass, is there?
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Visitors and rain
The lady brought another shorter lady with her to visit us the other day and we were very excited to see the new lady. We all ran over to them and gathered around and everyone wanted to have the shorter lady pet us and give us carrots. But she didn't have any carrots, so some of the ponies left. Me and Harley and Gypsy were all trying to get as close as possible to the shorter lady, but she kept moving away from us. Harley was trying to put his head on her shoulder and she started to look around with her eyes all narrow like she thought there was something scary around, so we looked around to see if there were coyotes or wolves or scary pieces of flapping paper or rustling plastic, but there wasn't anything. Our lady was trimming pieces off Billy's hooves so they were standing right by us and then Harley told me to back off and I pushed against the shorter lady as I stepped back. Then the shorter lady got upset and said she didn't want to pet us at all and she went and sat in the green truck thing. So they left and then we didn't see that shorter lady again, but our lady came back later and trimmed more pieces off Billy's hooves. You know, we have lots of rain so our feet are pretty and clean and easy to cut pieces off of. We like the rain because it makes a lot of nice grass. Since we are in the new pastures, we have grass on hills and grass in low parts and water in the ruts. But it is a long way to get back here for the lady to check on us. Today she was walking back in the rain and she saw a fish in one of the ruts right in the middle of the field. I guess the fish thinks that water is here to stay. But we are never getting the chance to go to the White Hill. The lady spends all her time riding those horses. She rides that big goofy Jewel just about every day. Yesterday she rode Jewel down the hill to the pond. Jewel thinks everything is scary, so she never wants to go anywhere away from her friends. She was snorting the whole way down the hill like she was walking through a whole herd of coyotes. And the lady sat on little Belle, but Belle got scared and pitched her on her head. I blame that fancy Peaches for that. Peaches started to run around and made Belle think that something was going to get her. I would never trust that Peaches.
Friday, June 7, 2013
new pastures
All us ponies moved to new pastures, so we are happy about all the grass, but we don't get much attention or entertainment from the lady. We watched the lady put some sticks in the ground with the big orange machine and then a man we didn't know used the orange machine to pile up big dead trees and drag them around. We didn't really care tho. And it was kind of interesting today when the Fuse and those goofy young horses were running around in the yard in the rain and then Fusion jumped over the fence tape so he could get back IN with the others. That was kind of weird. But they did have a lot of grass in there, so it wasn't a totally stupid move.
So now the lady is saying that some of us ponies and horses are going to go live somewhere else. She says she is going to advertise so that we can find perfect people to take care of us. I think I should be the first one selected to live with a little girl who takes me to horse shows and gives me lots of carrots. I like little girls if they understand how smart and important ponies are. Obviously I would need a lot of brushing and I would carry the little girl around on my back. I'll bet I could even jump over stuff and wear fancy shiny things. I know Harley and Billy think they should go first, because they are older and they already know how to jump over things, but I am littler and cuter, so I think little girls would like me better. Besides, that Billy is a more of a boy's pony. And Harley is so bossy, I am not sure that any little girls would like that. Just because he gives kisses and puts his head on their shoulders and acts all adorable. I can do that too. Just about ALL of us do that anyway. Se we will have to see what happens. Meanwhile we have lots of grass and we are all happy. Even little Belle, who was always so shy, with her freckles, has moved up to live with Peaches and now she thinks she is the "big sister" of Peaches and is going around with her head and tail all up in the air. So things are good!
So now the lady is saying that some of us ponies and horses are going to go live somewhere else. She says she is going to advertise so that we can find perfect people to take care of us. I think I should be the first one selected to live with a little girl who takes me to horse shows and gives me lots of carrots. I like little girls if they understand how smart and important ponies are. Obviously I would need a lot of brushing and I would carry the little girl around on my back. I'll bet I could even jump over stuff and wear fancy shiny things. I know Harley and Billy think they should go first, because they are older and they already know how to jump over things, but I am littler and cuter, so I think little girls would like me better. Besides, that Billy is a more of a boy's pony. And Harley is so bossy, I am not sure that any little girls would like that. Just because he gives kisses and puts his head on their shoulders and acts all adorable. I can do that too. Just about ALL of us do that anyway. Se we will have to see what happens. Meanwhile we have lots of grass and we are all happy. Even little Belle, who was always so shy, with her freckles, has moved up to live with Peaches and now she thinks she is the "big sister" of Peaches and is going around with her head and tail all up in the air. So things are good!
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