
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Hooray! It is raining, so we should be getting more nice grass. And maybe we will even get to eat nice grass by our pond, where we can see the grass is very green. If we go out there, then my dad Bob and his mares can't eat grass in the field next to us because Bob doesn't like some of us ponies being too close to his family. He stands by the fence and makes nasty faces at us. So sometimes we just go out there at night. Today it is super windy and some big branches fell off the trees. Some of us ponies went to the white hill, but it was flapping and making a lot of noise, so it was very scary. The lady has a new game where we have to "step up" to get carrots. There are wood slats on top of other pieces of wood and they are about a hoof height off the ground. And on top of them is a bouncy black mat with lots of little round holes in it. I do not think it is very scary and I got lots of carrots for stepping on it. But some of the ponies are pretty sure that they are going to get sucked into those little holes, so they don't want to step on it. They got a couple of carrots for standing next to it, but I got way more carrots than they did. Harley gets lots of carrots because he is a favorite. We are all getting our winter coats already, so Harley is jet black and looks quite stunning. You know, he is bossy, and he really likes carrots, so he tries everything to get more of them. If he just knows the lady has carrots in her pockets, he starts doing all the stuff that got him carrots before, but it only works if the lady asks him to do it first, but he doesn't care. So he ends up nodding and prancing and pawing and shoving his head on her shoulder or under her arm. I get tired just watching him. Now he has been learning about taking her hanky in his mouth and he bit her twice today. Hard. Actually, he still got carrots, but she yelled anyway. I never bite the lady, but I didn't even get to see that purple hanky. Yet.