

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

fall days

    The days are perfect!  We had been eating nice grass by our pond and after we ate that all up, now we are back in the other field.  There is only a little bit of grass out here so we have to look for it really hard and we almost get dirt in our teeth trying to bite it off.  But it's not like we have a whole lot of other stuff to do every day.  Now we are getting luxurious fur coats and all of us pony mares are glamorously Rubenesque.  There are hardly any bugs.  It is grand.
    The lady came down to our field with the big noisy orange machine and looked at a gate into my dad Bob's pasture that is right next to our field.  She never uses that gate, but I guess she wanted to do something different with the big orange machine. But there was a great big gray nest with a hole in the bottom of it hanging on the fence right next to the gate.  So the lady got one of those red metal can things and a long shiny stick and in the morning, she squirted white stuff on the nest and then she poked it with the stick.  All us ponies went over to watch.  We thought those skinny yellow bugs would come out of it.  But nothing happened. So the lady knocked it down and still nothing happened.  There was only one bug inside and it was big and black.  So that ended up being pretty boring.
   So then she came down to see us and she had carrots and was trying to give us the carrots but my brother Harley kept butting his nose in and biting us.  He wanted all the carrots for himself.  So the lady sat on his back and he didn't have a halter on his head or anything. The lady would say "Wo" and Harley would stop and then he'd get a carrot.  So then my little sister Elf came over to see if she could get a carrot. Harley is not big on sharing so he took off after Elf to try to bite her.  You should have seen that lady's face!  Wahoo! Harley did not stop when she said "Wo."  So she jumped off and told Harley he was naughty and he didn't get any more carrots. Harley was sad and he followed her all the way over to the fence.  So then none of us got any more carrots.  I think that Harley ruined it for everyone.