So there has been much excitement around here since those big bad dogs were here. My dad Bob had to stay in the barn for a couple of days but now he is back out with his mares, although his face has sores and looks funny and the lady comes out with a big needle a couple of times during the day and pokes it in his neck. Bob doesn't like that too much. But we have not seen those big bad dogs again. The lady doesn't let Bob and his mares go out in the pasture where the big bad dogs were, but she let us ponies go out to eat the nice grass by our pond yesterday. The grass is better since we got all that rain. There was like a horse hoof high of rain!
Some of us ponies and some of the horses got to look and walk into the gigantic box with wheels. There is a noisy, kind of bouncy, dark ramp that you have to put your foot on before you can walk into the gigantic box. She takes Ferris in there the most. Ferris has a bump on his face but it isn't because of the gigantic box. Yesterday she was making hissing noises with metal tubes inside the box and then some of those skinny bugs fell down from the top of it. Then when Harley walked up the ramp to the box, one of those skinny bugs fell right on his head! Harley was so surprised, he didn't think walking in the box was a good idea. So the lady said he could wait and walk in the box another day. I walked right into the box because there was a little bucket at the front of it and I know the lady carries good grain in those buckets. I got carrots and grain! I didn't ever want to leave that box, but I had to back out of it anyway. Then I got carrots for backing out. And then we went to the White Hill and the lady sat on top of me. I still think she doesn't know what she is doing. But whatever -- I walk around and get carrots and she wiggles her legs and shifts her weight around up there, which is not any big deal to me. I mostly just try to ignore her until it seems like a carrot is coming my way.