
Friday, August 3, 2012
Bad dogs!
Even tho it has been hot, we have had pretty much activity here. The lady has been taking us to the White Hill and we get lots of carrots. I mean LOTS! She has a bag of carrots as big as a baby pony in that little green truck thing. We get to walk and trot around and she sits on our backs. It is kind of fun because there are hardly any bugs at all in the White Hill. This morning the lady pulled this big gigantic box with wheels around the White Hill with her gray truck. When she got out of the truck, she looked around because there was a lot of dog barking going on. She looked at the little bossy dog that was in the truck and the other two little dogs and they were not barking. So she ran to the top of the hill and looked down by the pond. All us ponies had already run down to the pond because that was where all the excitement was. There were two big dogs dancing around my dad Bob and his mares and foal. Bob would charge at the big dogs to try to keep them away, but the one big dog would run at Bob and bite his nose or his legs. The other big dog was happy about it and kept jumping up and down and egging his friend on. The lady grabbed her little dogs and put them in the barn and then ran down the hill with a lead rope. She yelled at the big nasty dogs and they stopped attacking Bob and looked at her. Then they decided to run off and ran to the end of the pasture. Poor Bob had blood all over him and that is not a good look for a white pony. Now Bob and his mares are back inside their "predator proof" fence in hopes that the big dogs won't be able to bite him any more.