So us ponies have been getting a lot of good carrot time in the big box and the White Hill. Almost all us ponies walked into the box after we checked it our, except for that Tux. He is really suspicious. He didn't want to even put his toes on the ramp. He didn't get nearly as many carrots as the rest of us. You know, that little bossy dog goes zipping by us all the time to run back to our pond and then she jumps into the water and makes a lot of noise and sticks her head in holes. When she comes out, she is so muddy, we are thinking of making her an honorary pony. The geese don't like it too much, but we wish those stupid geese would go away anyway. There are like a hundred of them and we have feathers everywhere.
Those big dogs have not been back to bite my dad Bob and his mares, but his face got sore again and had red blood dripping from it. The lady puts stuff on it to keep the flies off. The lady was trimming Taca's hooves in their shed and she asked Taca why none of the other ponies were in the shed. She could tell there were a lot of flies around because there was a lot of buzzing, but the ponies were standing outside the shed and even Taca wanted to leave to be with the others. Then the lady looked up and saw a round gray nest as big as Taca's head on the wall right next to them. There were yellow buzzing bugs flying in and out alot! So she decided to finish Taca's feet outside the shed. And then she went down later and put white stuff on the round thing and the bugs fell out and stopped buzzing. So now Bob and the mares go back in the shed.
This morning the lady took Harley to the White Hill and sat on his back. She didn't have a saddle or bridle, she just had carrots, so when Harley went the right way he got a carrot. Harley is overly enthusiastic about carrots. He has been ridden a lot and is a good jumper, but he never played this game before. He really wanted the carrots and he didn't think he was getting them fast enough. It is frustrating to have to wait for the lady to ask you to do stuff and then figure out what she wants before you get a carrot. So Harley was pretty revved up about the carrot/riding game. So he started leaping into the air. He was thinking he was one of those Lipizzaners. The lady didn't like the leaping. She told him she didn't ask for leaping, so he didn't get any carrots for that. I will be next and I will get a lot of carrots!

Monday, August 13, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
gigantic box on wheels
So there has been much excitement around here since those big bad dogs were here. My dad Bob had to stay in the barn for a couple of days but now he is back out with his mares, although his face has sores and looks funny and the lady comes out with a big needle a couple of times during the day and pokes it in his neck. Bob doesn't like that too much. But we have not seen those big bad dogs again. The lady doesn't let Bob and his mares go out in the pasture where the big bad dogs were, but she let us ponies go out to eat the nice grass by our pond yesterday. The grass is better since we got all that rain. There was like a horse hoof high of rain!
Some of us ponies and some of the horses got to look and walk into the gigantic box with wheels. There is a noisy, kind of bouncy, dark ramp that you have to put your foot on before you can walk into the gigantic box. She takes Ferris in there the most. Ferris has a bump on his face but it isn't because of the gigantic box. Yesterday she was making hissing noises with metal tubes inside the box and then some of those skinny bugs fell down from the top of it. Then when Harley walked up the ramp to the box, one of those skinny bugs fell right on his head! Harley was so surprised, he didn't think walking in the box was a good idea. So the lady said he could wait and walk in the box another day. I walked right into the box because there was a little bucket at the front of it and I know the lady carries good grain in those buckets. I got carrots and grain! I didn't ever want to leave that box, but I had to back out of it anyway. Then I got carrots for backing out. And then we went to the White Hill and the lady sat on top of me. I still think she doesn't know what she is doing. But whatever -- I walk around and get carrots and she wiggles her legs and shifts her weight around up there, which is not any big deal to me. I mostly just try to ignore her until it seems like a carrot is coming my way.
Some of us ponies and some of the horses got to look and walk into the gigantic box with wheels. There is a noisy, kind of bouncy, dark ramp that you have to put your foot on before you can walk into the gigantic box. She takes Ferris in there the most. Ferris has a bump on his face but it isn't because of the gigantic box. Yesterday she was making hissing noises with metal tubes inside the box and then some of those skinny bugs fell down from the top of it. Then when Harley walked up the ramp to the box, one of those skinny bugs fell right on his head! Harley was so surprised, he didn't think walking in the box was a good idea. So the lady said he could wait and walk in the box another day. I walked right into the box because there was a little bucket at the front of it and I know the lady carries good grain in those buckets. I got carrots and grain! I didn't ever want to leave that box, but I had to back out of it anyway. Then I got carrots for backing out. And then we went to the White Hill and the lady sat on top of me. I still think she doesn't know what she is doing. But whatever -- I walk around and get carrots and she wiggles her legs and shifts her weight around up there, which is not any big deal to me. I mostly just try to ignore her until it seems like a carrot is coming my way.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Bad dogs!
Even tho it has been hot, we have had pretty much activity here. The lady has been taking us to the White Hill and we get lots of carrots. I mean LOTS! She has a bag of carrots as big as a baby pony in that little green truck thing. We get to walk and trot around and she sits on our backs. It is kind of fun because there are hardly any bugs at all in the White Hill. This morning the lady pulled this big gigantic box with wheels around the White Hill with her gray truck. When she got out of the truck, she looked around because there was a lot of dog barking going on. She looked at the little bossy dog that was in the truck and the other two little dogs and they were not barking. So she ran to the top of the hill and looked down by the pond. All us ponies had already run down to the pond because that was where all the excitement was. There were two big dogs dancing around my dad Bob and his mares and foal. Bob would charge at the big dogs to try to keep them away, but the one big dog would run at Bob and bite his nose or his legs. The other big dog was happy about it and kept jumping up and down and egging his friend on. The lady grabbed her little dogs and put them in the barn and then ran down the hill with a lead rope. She yelled at the big nasty dogs and they stopped attacking Bob and looked at her. Then they decided to run off and ran to the end of the pasture. Poor Bob had blood all over him and that is not a good look for a white pony. Now Bob and his mares are back inside their "predator proof" fence in hopes that the big dogs won't be able to bite him any more.
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