
Monday, June 4, 2012
How many ponies?
You know our neighbor who is always mowing his lawn? He has really pretty short nice grass and it is really green. It must be special grass for as much time as he spends mowing it. So us ponies went over there to check it out and help him with the mowing. He didn't appreciate that at all. He called the lady and said that there were 14 horses in his yard. The sun was just barely up, so maybe he couldn't see us so good. The lady knows that there are 17 of us ponies in all and we were all checking out the nice short grass except my Mom, Tudi, so I don't know what he was counting. Anyway, the lady came and told us we had to go home, so we followed Harley and went back in our regular pasture. That turned out to be a bad idea because there is not sufficient grass in our pasture. We have to look really hard for that grass. We were kind of annoyed about it all day and last night. This morning, the lady came out and so we ran over to her to tell her to let us out by the pond for the nice grass there. She hardly paid any attention to us at all. She kept looking at my Mom Tudi. Last night Tudi laid down and when she got up, there was my new baby sister on the ground. So the lady was upset about Tudi being out there in the pasture with my baby sister. She told Tudi that she didn't know Tudi was going to have a baby because she took my dad, Bob away from her last year when her other baby was only 5 days old. I guess my dad and Tudi are fast operators. So we kept trying to run over to the lady to convince her to open the gates to the nice grass, but she just went out and fixed other fence and it took her forever to get our gate open so we could go out by the pond. Then she tried to lead my Mom and the new baby by us but we all wanted to run up and see the new baby, so she had to go back and carry the baby across the creek so she could take them up to the barn. We are having lots of rain to make the grass grow and it is kind of cool, so I don't know why she wanted to take my mom away. There are no bugs out here at all. And now we have nice grass so it is perfect!