
Friday, June 1, 2012
There has been a way lot of exciting stuff going on around here. There has been an extra lady who has her mane pulled who walks around with the regular lady and does stuff. They led my dad Bob and the white horse mare up to the barn and then Taca and her baby from this year and the one from last year and then they took the white horse mare and Bob back to the pasture again. That was really fun to watch, so we ran along the fence and all lined up like it was a parade to see them go by. Taca didn't like us being so close to her little baby, so she made faces at us and called her baby and told it to stay right there beside her. Then later our lady came out to us carrying a halter. We were all standing up on top of the hill by the gate and the lady was really surprised. "Ponies!" she said. "I am so glad you are up here waiting for me instead of on the other side of the creek." We looked at her and then we all looked down the hill. So the lady looked down the hill too and she said "WHO is that pony back there?" Then she went and got the little green truck thing and her noisy little machines and she and the short-maned lady put the boards back up on the fence in the pasture next to us and put part of our fence back up and went back and caught Taca's baby from last year and took her out of our pasture. We were glad she was gone. We didn't need any non-friend ponies running around in our field eating our nice grass. The short- maned lady has been riding some of the ponies and there is still ANOTHER lady who is coming and riding that hunk Fusion. Yesterday there were ponies coming and going out of the pasture so much we could hardly keep track of them Even Toby got to go out to the big grassy round pasture and the lady sat on his back and he had to NOT run over to try to talk to the other horses. It was hard for him because he didn't know what that lady wanted him to do and it was all new. He walked around and watched Haylie trot and run with the short-maned lady on her back. He didn't think it was so much fun, but he got some carrots, so he didn't think it was terrible. We have lots of nice grass now that we had rain and the sun has been shining, so we don't really need to hang around and wait for the ladies to entertain us.